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Always display website keywords first in the Alfred search bar

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Is there any way to do this? 


It sometimes happens that my keywords are similar to installed programs because the websites also have the same letter. If I then press enter, I open an application instead of the website I actually want. 


You can view this visually in the attached picture. 

(In this case, the keyword is "dig", which should bring up a website that I need for school )


I am sorry if this has already been answered several times. However, after some research I could not find anything on this subject. 


Thank you in advance for your help

Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-21 um 20.07.50.png

Edited by Tom_unseen
I am sorry if this has already been answered several times. However, after some research I could not find anything on this subject. 
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Welcome to the forum.


While I appreciate it's not a direct answer to your question one way around the problem would be to create a workflow using the List Filter Input to create a list of the school related websites, precede that with a hotkey trigger or keyword input and link the list filter to an Open URL action.


That way when you press the hotkey or type the keyword you'd immediately see a list of the school related websites and could choose which one you want to open (with Alfred shortcut hotkeys for the first nine listed—so acting on the list could be quite fast).


Don't hesitate to ask again if either this isn't clear or you feel it won't quite achieve what you want.



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