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Alfred Clipboard not showing preview of images copied from Finder

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On Alfred 5.5 Beta 2. This was working a few weeks ago though (not sure on which version)


I am copying an actual image file, it just shows up as text here (file name). Copying does copy an image in the system clipboard and I verified it by pasting it in other apps. 





preview showing up for images from safari




Edited by andy4222
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Stephen_C said:

have copied the filename from Finder


Thanks for answering @Stephen_C. No, that's not the case, which is why I mentioned in my post that the system clipboard has the image/file but Alfred only has the file name. Here is a video showing that:






Edited by andy4222
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15 hours ago, andy4222 said:

the system clipboard has the image/file


It has a reference to the file, which Notes is interpreting and embedding. You can verify this by deleting the file after copying it. It won’t be embedded in the note.
The example from Safari is one where you copied the image data itself. Which is why it says 3.0MB, that’s how much space it is taking. To save the image data to the clipboard, there’s an Automation Task for that. Or like @Stephen_C pointed out, you can open the image in Preview, then copy the image data there. This is standard behaviour which was not modified.


Either way, from the behaviour you’re seeing you appear to have turned off Alfred Preferences → Features → Clipboard History → History → Keep File Lists.

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