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I can't use chatgpt workflow behind proxy

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I upgraded to Legendary license this morning for using chatgpt workflow.  However, it doesn't work (refer to attached screenshot.png).  I need to use a proxy to go to chatgpt website, so can this workflow support proxy? 


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@Zhibin He Thanks for buying a Legendary! :)


To expand on this, you can configure Alfred to use your macOS configured proxy for all Workflows in the Alfred's Advanced preferences by ticking the "Use macOS http proxy settings for scripts" option.

If it's just a single workflow you'd like to configure to use a proxy, adding the https_proxy variable to the workflow environment variables (Use the link @vitor provided) will be passed to the script which is connecting to ChatGPT's API.


Alternatively, if you're using a VPN, Alfred would also work with this by default without the need to use proxy settings.




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