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Clipboard History's Auto-paste stops working


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Features > Clipboard History > Advanced > Auto-paste on return


Stopped doing what it should all of a sudden in 5.5 [2257]


I restarted Alfred and it started working again.


This is a first for me.



Edited by gingerbeardman
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@gingerbeardman Is this a one off, or reproducible?


As this (so far) seems unique to you, the first thing I'd check is other apps you have in the macOS Privacy & Security > Accessibility prefs. There may likely be another app which is fettling the macOS Event stream and preventing Alfred from getting the snippet keystrokes. This would tally with you quitting and restarting which put's Alfred (temporarily?) ahead of the app which is removing those events.


(Aside: It's worth also noting that Alfred doesn't fettle the event stream, only reads from it to match snippet keywords.)

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