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Markdown Links - Able to do?

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I used to be a heavy user of TextExpander but it was a corporate thing and I don't have it anymore, but I'm hoping I can replicate one of it's features with Alfred, just not sure how. 

So basically I could trigger a Snippet with TE using ;link

When that happened, it popped up a window with two fields, one for text and one for link that I could just type into and tab into the next.

When I hit enter, it would wrap the content in Markdown as such: 

[First Field Contents](https://secondfieldurl.com)


Is there a way I can do this with Alfred either using Snippets or a Workflow? I'm not much of a developer myself, so some of the instructions are a bit confusing to me. 

Any help is appreciated!

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And just to add there are always many ways to get something done in alfred. If you did want to create something that mirrored Text Expander where you can trigger the workflow and have it paste in the frontmost app you could do something like this:






It uses a snippet trigger that then triggers 2 keyword objects to have you input your title and link, saves them as variables, and then pastes on the frontmost app. You can also look into dynamic placeholders as well. If the link want to paste is always the last thing you copied, you could set it up so instead of a 2nd keyword input, it pastes the most recent item in your clipboard history with {clipboard:0}.



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7 hours ago, sepulchra said:

And just to add there are always many ways to get something done in alfred. If you did want to create something that mirrored Text Expander where you can trigger the workflow and have it paste in the frontmost app you could do something like this

Thanks for this, are you able to expand and show me what you have in terms of contents for the Save the Query portions for getting those setup. 

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4 minutes ago, MacDaddy said:

are you able to expand and show me what you have in terms of contents for the Save the Query portions

It will be something like this:



Except that instead of theURL Sepulchra will have used link. For the second Sepulchra will have used title. That creates respectively the variables that are recalled in the final copy to clipboard action. In both cases {query} means the information provided by the immediately preceding action in the workflow.



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