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Lost workflows on update to 2.0.3


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Looking for help to recover workflows. 


Did an autoupdate this am, from v2.02 to v2.03. Seemed to proceed without incident. When I restarted Alfred, my workflows were gone. I didn't see any notices or warnings during the update. 


I'm running on a rMacbookPro with OS X v10.8.3. 


Jim Hopkins

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Looking for help to recover workflows. 


Did an autoupdate this am, from v2.02 to v2.03. Seemed to proceed without incident. When I restarted Alfred, my workflows were gone. I didn't see any notices or warnings during the update. 


I'm running on a rMacbookPro with OS X v10.8.3. 


Jim Hopkins


Hi Jim,


Alfred won't have deleted the workflows, so unless you have an auto-cleaning app which thought Alfred was being uninstalled during the upgrade, they should be safe and sound.


Firstly, make sure your Powerpack is still active in Alfred's Powerpack tab, then if you have setup syncing, check that the sync folder is still set to the correct location in Alfred's Syncing prefs.


Let me know how you get on :)




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  • 1 year later...

This is an old thread, however I just experienced the same problem as @hopkinsje, and happened to also resolve the problem.



Alfred workflows and all preferences went missing.



I was running out of space on my Mac's hard drive, so I started to update Dropbox's Selective Settings, turing off large folders that were eating my HD space. I accidentally turned off the Dropbox folder that I was using to sync my Alfred settings.



Re-enable Dropbox syncing for my Alfred folder.

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  • 11 months later...

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