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Custom File Search Shortcut


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It would be nice for me that I can activate an Alfred file search with a custom shortcut like command+[space] I prefer use this than Spotlight.

have created my own workflow for this but it doesnt work properly. I dont know bash, php or other programming languages...so I think that something like this would be a great solution:



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Thanks David, I already know that I can do a quick file search by hitting cmd+space but I prefer a shortcut like option+space to do this because I use the file search a lot and I think that press option+space is more efficient for my way of working. I have tried to create a workflow with this Applescript but It doesnt work properly:

tell application "System Events"
	key down {option}
	key code 49
	key up {option}
end tell
tell application "System Events"
	key code 49
end tell

It would be nice if there were an action to activate Alfred. Thanks for your help David and sorry for my low level English.

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