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TwitchStreamer 2.1: Search Twitch.tv streams and watch in VLC or mpv or iina

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  • Search Twitch.tv streams and watch via VLC or mpv or IINA (Streamlink (former Livestreamer) required)

  • keywords: tw, twtop, twgames, optional: twcover`

  • twtop: show top live streams (sorted by number of current viewers)

  • twgames: show top live games streamed (sorted by number of current viewers)

  • tw: search specific live channel/game

  • twcover: download/preload game icons for better user experience

  • browse philosophy: twtop or twgames for getting the most wanted streams on twitch.tv

  • search philosophy: tw star finds streamer like "starman" and "starcraft"-games streams



Check who is streaming on Twitch.tv (category gaming) and watch your favorite stream via Streamlink on VLC or mpv or IINA (no lags anymore, thanks to buffering).


The main keyword is tw and the second word is the game or stream you want to watch (examples: tw voyboy or tw league of legends or also simply tw league). Alternative: Use keyword twtop to see the current TOP streams or twgames for the current TOP streamed games. Limit of streams is changable via specific workflow ($limit-variable).


With enter you can open the stream via Streamlink on VLC or mpv or IINA.


The streamer list is sorted by number of viewers descending. The quality of the stream is "high". If you want to change it to best (e.g.), feel free to open the existing "Terminal Command" (alfred, workflow-window) and modify the streamlink line.


Optional: If you deleted your game icons/covers folder (because many of them are outdated) you should use twcover to download all the top game covers. Otherwise tw or twtop will do it, but it takes more time and downloads less covers at the same time.


Screenshot: Browsing TOP STREAMS




Screenshot: Browsing TOP GAME



Screenshot: Searching STREAM




Screenshot: Searching GAME




Screenshot 5: Downloading GAME COVERS/POSTERS




Screenshot 6: Watching STREAM








  • it takes a lil time between entries because of the twitch.tv-api

Edited by eusi
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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...

There is another version (1.6) of this workflow (it uses jpg instead of png) cuz some people don't get current version work since they updated OSX to Yosemite. If your version 1.52 still work, you need no update. Otherwise try 1.6: Download



  • switched cover-format from png to jpg (due to issue#1)
  • cleaned up code
Edited by eusi
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
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  • 5 years later...
  • eusi changed the title to TwitchStreamer 2.0: Search Twitch.tv streams and watch in VLC or mpv or iina
  • 1 year later...
  • eusi changed the title to TwitchStreamer 2.1: Search Twitch.tv streams and watch in VLC or mpv or iina

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