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Can I switch to only the *last active* window of an application?

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If i invoke alfred and type Finder.. it brings up all the windows of an App.

Is it possible for alfred to know the last used window of an app so that I can type say 'last Finder' to go to just the last used Finder window?


Or perhaps a workflow like this already exists? It would be awesome to me if I could override the default behaviour with that as well...


I haven't made any workflows as of yet.. Just trying to make Macs work the way I wish they did already :P




Typing Finder in Alfred just launches Finder. Therefore, it brings every Finder window to the forefront. You would need to use a window manager like Hammerspoon to single out a single window and move it around. I wrote a workflow to use Hammerspoon, but it doens't do that either. But, that functionality could be added. You can get the workflow on Packal: http://www.packal.org/workflow/hammerspoon-workflow


Conversations about it can be put in the Alfred Forums for it: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/5334-hammerspoon-workflow/


Try it out and see what it does. Then let me know what you would like functionality wise and I will look into providing you a solution. You will need to get a PowerPack license to use it. If you do, add it to your profile so that it shows up here.


You could also use applescript in a workflow:

tell application "Finder" to activate the front Finder window

Since the the last used Finder window would be the front window, only that one would activate.


Hmm interesting I'll look into that package.


That front thing sounds like a good option although I wonder if 'front' will always be right. I have a suspicion that it may get messed up with multiple monitors (just bc i was tabbing away from an app and then back and a different window on my main screen would have focus.. )


You could use witch.app

It is like a second Alt-Tab (Apple built-in applications switcher).



- You can browse through the windows of an application.

- Customizable. (i.e. you can exclude applications).


Worth take a look.

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