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Some Alfred suggestions


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I love the new Alfred 2 and using it on a daily basis. I have two suggestions on Alfred features.


1. Alfred Preferences windows always appears sticky to the bottom edge of my screen. Is it intentional? I prefer it to stick to the top edge (right below the menu bar) of the screen.


My specs in case you need it: Macbook Pro 13" Retina.


2. I created myself a workflow to show/hide/open apps with hotkeys. However, I have to double click the Action icon to see which app is on the list. Is it possible to have a title for an Action, say "Launch Finder"? This way I can see clearly the hotkey is responsible for which app.




Hope that I can give some good suggestion for the development of lovely application.


Thank you so much for your effort creating the app.

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I've noticed the preferences launch a bit low, I'll look into that. As for the Launch Files / Apps object, I've always intended to have a dynamic icon there depending on the apps you have, but haven't had time... so watch this space :)




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