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File actions: Copy to... and Move to...


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I get incredibly paranoid pretty much every time I use these file actions. Partial reason for this request ...and my paranoia, is how copy and move silently fail if the file(s) already exists in the destination folder. So, I've developed a habit of always navigating to the destination folder to make sure the file(s) were copied or moved there. Which kind of makes these folder actions useless for me. I might as well just copy or cut and paste from finder folder to another and that would be more or less just as convenient, if not more convenient.


Maybe there could be a osx notification that says: "File succesfully copied.", or something.




I mean sure... When you move a file and it disappears, it probably ended up in the destination folder, but when you're copying, you won't be able to tell. You just have to assume or make sure it did. Of course you can't see the file disappear if you do it all in Alfred and you don't have the finder folder open.


In addition to this, It would be great if Alfred handled copying and moving more like finder does, when it detects the file(s) already exist in destination folder. The way it gives you options: "Keep both", "Stop", "Replace".


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