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Show snippet keyword in results

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Just started using the snippets feature and loving it! For my use it completely replaces TextExpander.


Only thing I'm really missing is the keyword (phrase to trigger auto-expansion) is shown in the search bar search results.


I have many snippets and often forget what the keyword is to trigger them. With Alfred this is much easier than TextExpander (where I used to have to open the TextExpander UI and search), since I just open the Alfred search bar type in "s" (my snippets shortcut) and what I'm looking for. It would be very easy to be able to see the keyword too so I learn those eventually.

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Just started using the snippets feature and loving it! For my use it completely replaces TextExpander.



Have you taken a look at the Snippets Viewer? You can either access it through the Clipboard History Viewer (press your Clipboard History hotkey, then choose "All Snippets") or by setting a hotkey in Features > Snippets specifically for the Snippets viewer.


You'll then be able to type part of your snippet, see your list on the left, then select your snippet on the right. At the bottom of the preview, you'll see the shortcut keyword to help you learn it :)





More info on the snippets feature here:




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