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Posts posted by jdfwarrior

  1. Good day,


    OK, I am trying to figure out why Alfred will not find a phrase in a pdf that Spotlight finds successfully. So far, I have done the following:


    Confirmed that Spotlight can do the search successfully.

    Using the "in" keyword in Alfred, verified that Alfred cannot do the search.

    I've confirmed my Spotlight prefs are searching pdfs.

    I've used the "rebuild Mac OS X metadata" from the Alfred control panel.

    I've waited for the mdimport tasks to complete.

    I've reset the Alfred search cache.

    I've entered various terminal commands to rebuild the indices as well.

    I've pulled out some of my hair and wasted hours of my life looking for additional solutions.

    I've begun to think about sacrificing a spotless goat and sprinkling it's blood on my keyboard (OK, no I haven't..at least, not recently,)


    I've worked on this issue on and off for about three months. I'm using Alfred 2.3 (264) without PowerPack, on Mavericks 10.9.3. At this point, I'm ready to seek professional help (both tech support and psychological). Any suggestions/tips/tricks would be greatly appreciated.


    These links go to screenshots of:

    The Spotlight search results

    The Alfred search results

    The Alfred search preferences

    The Alfred results preferences


    So, what am I missing??


    Thanks for any help/counseling you can provide.




    Could you provide the location of the files that are being found by Spotlight so that we can also confirm that that path matches a path listed in your Alfred scope?

  2. Hello!


    I'm trying to create a workflow where my current open URL in safari would be copied and opened in another browser, such as firefox. I'm new to making workflows so I'm not sure how to do this. I'm running alfred v2.3 powerpack. 


    Thank you!


    I don't know how much assistance you're looking for on this...


    Just a point in a direction to get your going:

    To perform something like this, you'd need a little AppleScript. There's another post that can help you grab the current url from most browsers. After that, you could just need to use a Open URL workflow action to open the url in the specified browser. 



    If you want/need more than that, let me know and I'd be happy to help out.

  3. V 2.3(264)


    The workflow that uses the Mail.app is:


    search for file and then use Email or Email to both options use mail instead of Airmail. Airmail is the default mail app. I use OSX mavericks.


    I know you've mentioned several times that Airmail is the default app but are you quite certain of that? The reason I ask is, support for emailing files with Airmail is accomplished through AppleScript. In order for Alfred to support attaching files to an email with a client, that client must support AppleScript. However, using the email keyword does NOT use AppleScript and therefore will work for any client. Alfred does this by handing of the task of creating a new mail message with the default client to OS X. If you were to open a Terminal and type "open mailto:someone@email.com", that is the equivalent of what Alfred does. OS X handles the opening of the mail client, and it uses the default. If using the "Email" keyword is opening Mail.app instead of Airmail, that seems like Mail.app is actually your default email app instead. 


    Could you double check this setting by opening Mail.app, pressing Cmd+, to view the preferences, then select the General tab (if it isn't already selected). There should be an option there that says "Default email reader" and it should be set to Airmail, not Mail. Could you confirm this for me?

  4. Any news on icon url implementation? My plugin is unusable without this function :(


    Unfortunately no that feature isn't available at this time. One way that several users have gotten around this is to use their script to download the icons first and cache them. Not sure if that is a viable option for your workflow or not.

  5. I am already testing A2 on Yosemite. The launcher works fine. I am reading the Alfred Sync Tutorial now and will report in the next days how the power pack elements do.


    I've been trying out Alfred on Yosemite since Yosemite was launched and have found that most, if not all, functionality works just as expected. In Yosemite DP1 there were a few issues but this was related to Yosemite and not to Alfred. DP2 seems to have resolved them.

  6. This workflow doesn't even have any actions. It's just about bringing up a list of items based on search criteria that is entered in Alfred.

    So basically, with no arguments it would list all the shortcuts but I want to make it so if I hit shift it will reload the script filter and only show me shortcuts that utilize the shift key.

    I realize this functionality currently isn't possible unless you can somehow connect the script filter to another script filter without having to hit enter.


    Well... technically you can't do this but.. if you are ok with having to hit enter, you could somewhat achieve what you are looking for.


    You could set a script filter that would show the default shortcuts. Then, if you press Shift+Enter, it would go to a script that would run an external trigger to another script filter in the same workflow and show the new shortcuts you want. Would something like that work?

  7. I am working on a keyboard shortcut cheat sheet workflow that is different than most of the other ones in that the results are listed right in Alfred itself.


    I can successfully look up shortcuts that I know the name of but I would like to be able to enter a key combination and have it return the shortcut that is attached.


    It there anyway we can get the equiv of {query} for the state of ctrl, shift, alt, cmd?




    You can't get the state of them but you can create different script actions based on modifier keys. Is that what you are talking about? For instance, double click on a connection from a keyword or script filter to a script and you should be able to set a modifier key for that action. You can change paths/actions dependent upon the current modifier key.

  8. Hi,


    Emailing with the email keyword is working with Airmail. But sending files via the Email to option in Alfred opens mail.app instead of Airmail.


    Airmail is the default email client. I am using Mavericks.





    What version of Alfred are you currently using? Support for Airmail was added in version 2.2

  9. I was wondering if it's be possible to make a "Send to Contact.." type workflow that works for non-email. I poked around, and I can't think of any way I could do this other than hard-coding the contacts into a "File Action" workflow.


    Thanks for any reply.

    Amanda C


    Could you try and explain a little more what it is you're wanting to accomplish? I'm afraid I'm not really following what it is that you're wanting to do

  10. Hi,


    I'm opening all my logins with 1password and Alfred, it works like a charm. Sometimes, I need to log in to a different Google account, as an example, but if I use 1password in a regular Chrome window, I can't, since there's already a user logged in. I always open an Incognito tab and enter the credentials manually. 


    It would be awesome 1password and Alfredd working together to be able to accomplish this workflow. Any ideas? Thanks!



    I could be wrong on this but.. I don't think this is possible. Just like most other url related items in Alfred, Alfred does nothing special to them. Alfred just passes it off to OS X to handle the url with whatever the default is. Now.. I say it isn't possible but I mean it isn't possible in the fashion that I think you are REALLY wanting it in. You can't really apply an action to the urls from the 1Password integrated results so, there are two alternatives. You COULD make a workflow that would manually parse the 1Password file and let you search it and then do whatever you want with the url that way. Personally, I wouldn't recommend it, but that's your call. The second option would be to, use Alfred to search for the item using the standard '1p' keyword and find the login item. Instead of pressing enter, Cmd+C that bad boy and copy the 1Password specific version of the url. With that in your clipboard, you could have a workflow that opens a new incognito window and sets the location to that url or whatever you want to with it. There are numerous options from there.

  11. Hi all,


    When I save something from a browser or other application, I use Alfred to identify the target folder (or a file to replace), and then I drag and drop it from Alfred into the "Save as" window, so that it goes quickly to the target folder.

    Has anybody made a workflow to avoid the drag-and-drop part?


    In other words something that, if there is a "save as" window open, upon selection of a target folder in Alfred, will go to that folder in the 'save as' window.





    I've not seen this but that doesn't mean much. I'm not sure how scriptable that part would be (interacting with that save dialog). It could be totally easy, I've just never seen it done. Perhaps someone else knows of a way to do this. I'll look at it though and see if I come up with something

  12. I don't know of one of hand but you could make something pretty close kinda easy with this..

    tell application "Terminal"
    	set theWindow to get the first window whose name contains "stringToSearch"
    	set frontmost of theWindow to true
    end tell

    So.. I'm not sure how familiar you are with scripting or making Alfred workflows (if you need help, let me know), you could use an AppleScript action that would run the script above and pass your input to the stringToSearch area and it would activate the terminal window where the name contained the string you typed


    Does that help?


    Thanks that is a good start.  I want to be able to select the destination every time so I tweaked your script to add some AppleScript for selecting a directory.

    # extract the filename from a full path
    filename=$(basename "{query}");
    # set the new destination
    newpath=`osascript -e 'set theFolderAlias to choose folder' -e 'set theFolder to (the POSIX path of theFolderAlias)'`
    # move the file
    mv "{query}" $destination;
    # open it
    open $destination;
    osascript -e 'set theFolderAlias to choose folder' -e 'set theFolder to (the POSIX path of theFolderAlias)'


    If you wanted to get really fancy... :)


    You could... Let hazel pick up the file, then Hazel would use AppleScript to.. tell application "Alfred 2" to search "<full path to file>"

    That would bring up Alfred in file browser with that file selected, then you would have the option to run any action on it. To continue though, you could have a custom "move and open" action. Then, save the file name in a temp place, use external triggers to hit a next step in the workflow that is a file filter that would only show folders so you could search for the folder to move to, when you press enter, it moves to that folder, then opens the file. 


    Ya know... if you wanted to get fancy.. hehe

  14. Greetings -- I'm writing documentation and would like to paste code examples from my editor into an interactive shell running in a given Terminal tab, e.g. a tab named "Scala".   How should I go about building a workflow for it in Alfred?



    A+ (Alexy)


    That would depend on how you are triggering this. Are you wanting to select the text and then hit a hotkey or what? Also, making it automatically go to that tab would also require a little AppleScript.

  15. I want to add /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications to my search scope.


    Through the GUI file finder, I can not get into the Xcode.app package. It is grayed out. How can I manually type a path in to Alfred's scope?


    The easiest workaround for this is just to use this workflow to launch the iPhone Simulator

  16. I'm pretty new to workflows so this is probably really basic but I can't figure out how to do this:

    I have a set of text file templates that I want to paste into different apps, my problem is that I want to

    1. list these templates in some way
    2. let the user select one of these file
    3. open the file, do some changes and paste it into the desired app

    My problem is step 1 and 2, how do I do this in Alfred?


    A file filter sounds like a good fit for this. In the workflow editor, add an Input->File Filter. This will allow you search for files of a certain type, within a certain directory, or match other metadata fields as well.

  17. Thanks guys. I am new to alfred so trying to make this work. The workflow is lifx.https://github.com/stroebjo/alfred-lifx/blob/master/README.md Using either the hotkey or the applescript generated from external trigger, I am able to list the resultant possible actions within the workflow but I am not sure how to nominate a pre-existing action without the use of gui scripting within applescript which would make it unpredictable.


    I dont have a way to test this so I'm not sure what exactly I'm supposed to get from it but..With the external trigger or with just plain old applescript, if the results can be filtered to something that you KNOW is there.. you could just hard code passing that value into alfred in the script then using a hotkey to call that

  18. Hi all,


    I am trying to do a local search (files, folders etc) using the NOT operator, e.g. as in Google where you can specify what not to search for ("shoes -red" searching for shoes, but no red ones).


    Is this possible in Alfred, if not that would be a really useful feature.




    Not through the general search but as a Powerpack member, you have the ability to set something like this up using Filters.

  19. hey guys,


    The actions that are displayed within a workflow is what I'd like to specifically execute from Applescript. Is this possible for alfred or should I look at a different approach.




    Depending on what your looking to accomplish, Alfred supports the "search" action and "run trigger". Telling Alfred to search simply displays him and populates the textbox with whatever you tell it to



    tell application "Alfred 2" to search "this is a test"

    You could also set up external triggers to make Alfred perform a direct call to an action using "run trigger". You would need to set up an external trigger in your workflow that connected to the action to be run. At that point, Alfred provides you with sample code for running that trigger via Applescript

  20. I'd love to tell you exactly which version of Alfred2 I'm running, but I can't get it to start in order to go to "About".


    It was working fine until I opened the preferences screen.  It wouldn't let me change anything so I figured I'd stop Alfred then restart.  The stopping worked fine, but I can't get it to restart.  I don't get an error message, but the icon also doesn't appear at the top of my screen.  And when I check "Activity Monitor", there's a red line for Alfred.  Even after force-quitting it and trying again, it just does the same thing.  I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but I see the same behavior.


    Any idea what's going on?



    Have you tried creating a new user account and installing Alfred there? Do you have the same issue?


    There are several other things you could check as well. First off, have you tried rebooting your Mac?  Second, have you popped into Console.app to see if there are any issues being reported by Alfred or anything else that could be causing the issue with Alfred? When you reinstalled Alfred, did you remove his preferences as well? There could be something corrupted there causing an issue?



    So I'm coming in late and it looks like this may have evolved a few times with what you are wanting it to do so... can you give me a quick run down of what you want this to do? What you're wanting to do sounds like it should be pretty quick and easy to get done. I'll help out the best I can and see if we can get you running :)

  22. All of my workflows that are requesting data from external resources don't get response. I think there is nothing wrong with the workflows, since their authors confirm that they're working.


    Workflows tested are:

    At the time of writing, I redownloaded the latest version from all of them.


    When I type the shortcut for one of the workflows, for a very short time there's a loading indication ("Updating database...", "Retrieving data from..." or similar) but as soon as I'm typing my request it stops and looks like this:




    Is it possible to get an error log or something which could help me understand what's going on? Or does somebody has another clue?


    - Alfred v2.3 (264)

    - Mac OS X 10.9.3



    If you open Console.app, do you see any errors listed there?


    Alfred doesn't provide any network APIs to workflows, so this issue will be outside of Alfred's control. Do you use any 3rd party firewall or a network proxy which could be getting in the workflow's way?


    [moving to Workflow help]


    I would be willing to bet that this one isn't a firewall issue. Looking at those workflows, they all seem to be PHP based so I would guess PHP is the issue. Are you using a version of PHP other than the one that comes bundled with OSX in /usr/bin/php?

  23. Awesome! Thanks for the tip.


    Any tip on opening a workflow menu (I am talking about the pane that opens when you double-click on a workflow name) from the keyboard?

    I am categorizing my workflows right now and it is kinda boring having to opening the pane with the mouse. Alfred could do better  :)

    Plus, the "Category" menu can't be selected with the Tab key.


    Not sure on that one because I would think that.. even if you did manage to simulate a right click or had the ability to pop up a contextual menu, its going to do it for whatever is under the mouse, not whatever item is currently selected in a window. I could be wrong but.. I dont think that one is going to be possible

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