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Posts posted by jdfwarrior

  1. The Workflow sure works great for me, but I'm trying to understand your approach (and create other workflows on the same idea for other e-mail clients).

    Why use a script at all? Can the same thing be done with a filter?

    You can limit the scope to ~/Library/Mail/V2 and use the kMDItemAuthorEmailAddresses, kMDItemAuthors and kMDItemSubject metadata fields.

    What's wrong with that approach?


    I'm unsure how it all works, because I've ran into a few things I couldn't figure out when I tried (eg: using kMDItemContentType didn't seem to make any difference at all, that's why I eventually had to resort to limiting the scope).





    Correct, the same thing could be done with a filter but you cant format the way it is shown. I made an extension for Alfred v1 that did this very same thing with a filter. It would show the subject of the email as the title but would only show the file path as the subtext. By using a script filter I can make it show other useful information. I can make the subtext show who the email is from and other data as well.

  2. I'm not wanting nested searches. It just seems to not always find all bookmarks/tags when I type a search at the moment.


    One thing I noticed when trying this out is if I type 2 non consecutive words from a bookmark title it won't show that bookmark (called fuzzy search?), but if I type the title 'properly' in order it finds the bookmarl.


    For example if I have the bookmark titled 'Alfred App Community Forum' and type 'alfred forum' it won't find the bookmark, but if I type 'alfred app community' (or just ' alfred app') it will find the bookmark.



    Ah yeah I see what you mean. What's doing is reading the entire input as one string and querying that so... say your searching for 'alfred app', it searches for that exactly and not alfred, and app individually. So what I need to do is go back and when I read the input, split it based on a space, and then alter the query to search for: name like "%arg1%" or name like "%arg2%" and so on... Thanks for pointing that out. I'll get it worked in. 

  3. The method Carlos suggested doesn't work either. I actually looked into this for a bit last night. The method he's suggesting is typically executed using pmset. Using pmset, you can set the timeout before the display sleeps. The down side of this is, the value passed is integer minutes. Setting it to zero as Carlos suggested disables the feature. The lowest possible value is 1 (minute).


    I looked into Applescript methods for doing this. You can't simulate a keystroke for the Eject key, so that doesn't work.


    Once again, I would simply recommend Sleep Display (linked above). Just because something hasn't been updated in a while doesn't mean that it's going to stop working sometime really soon. Also, it's not as if OS X is updated weekly. 

  4. Yeah guys, I need to update several of mine. With the additions Andrew has been making and then me constantly changing my extensions_utils class to include more stuff and make it work better, I have lots to do.


    Currently, the search does search the description, extended text, url, and tags. It performs a search looking for results where the title, description, extended, or tags match the search query. It sounds like what you're asking for though is for it to be more of a nested search? Kinda like, if you type one word it find matches, then if a second word is added, it performs a search on the currently returned items? Is that correct?

  5. This has been requested already by multiple people. As mentioned in the other threads, this isn't currently available because of the ability to customize script filters to have any kind of output. Current result actions are available because the result types are known. They are a file, or a contact, etc. With script filters, it could be any kind of generic text. Maybe something like this could be added in the future but it would probably require the additional ability to create custom result actions for a workflow. So, long story short, it can't be done right now.

  6. This function currently isn't available in Alfred. The reason for this is, with the default results and other items that you have the ability to action in Alfred, results are available for a known type of data (e.g. a file, a folder, a contact). With script filters, there could be any kind of text that is passed as the argument so the default actions may not apply to the type of data that is passed as the argument of your script. So, the only way that this would work would be for there to be a mechanism in place for your to create custom actions for a workflow and that isn't available.

  7. Brian,


    I've posted an initial PHP library on Github that provides a lot of helper functions to get you going when creating a PHP based workflow. When the class object is created, it automatically reads the bundle ID of the workflow, and then provides functions for easily grabbing: users home path, path to workflow, path to workflow data, path to workflow cache data and provides many other functions as well. It's just an initial push. I hope to get a lot more done and make this a REALLY helpful utility for all.


    Find it here: https://github.com/jdfwarrior/Workflows

  8. I'm going to try and post my PHP one tonight on Github. You can look through it if you want but this is what I'll have in mine.


    1. Functions to return useful data (path to users home folder, path to workflow folder, path to workflow data folder, path to workflow cache folder, return bundle id)

    2. Shortcut functions for simplifying requesting remote data

    3. Function to read/write plists

    4. Functions to read/write data to other files (as a string, array, or json object)

    5. Functions to interact with sqlite databases

    6. Functions to easily create result items for feedback

    7. Functions to create feedback xml from an associative array or json object.

  9. I just checked this code on an random iMac in the Apple Store to make sure it wasn't something special I had done to get it work..


    $var = exec('printf $HOME');
    echo $var;


    That DEFINITELY works. In your example if you put the printf $HOME portion in double quotes that will mess things up btw. By doing that, it will look at $HOME as a php variable instead of system variable. Take the code above and copy and paste it into a new php file and then run:


    php -f <file>.php 


    That will run the file from the command line. That should 100% work.

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