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Posts posted by Acidham

  1. I cant get this one working when I add reminders I get no confirmation and I see no new reminders added to the "Reminders" app, any ideas?



    Can you try to run following apple script in Script Editor (copy&paste):

    set theDate to date string of ((current date) + (1 * days))
    set DueDate to date (theDate)
    set time of DueDate to 60 * 60 * 9
    tell application "Reminders"
    	tell list "Inbox"
    		make new reminder with properties {name:"Test", remind me date:DueDate}
    	end tell
    end tell 

    What is the output and/or result? Which Mac OS X version is in use?


    In addition please also run the script with Alfred Preferences → Debug Mode

  2. Safirechrome provides the ability to open an URL from current browser window in Safari, Chrome,Firefox or Opera. Only installed browsers will be listed as target browser. 

    Update v 1.2: 
    1. Opera added
    2. Only installed browsers will be listed
    3. Ability to type and search for a target browser
  3. on which version of Mac OS are you? it seems that reminder does not accept the due date. 


    Could you please try this applescript code: 

    set queryTime to "14:00"
    set theDate to date string of ((current date) + (1 * days))
    set DueDate to date (theDate & " " & queryTime)
    tell application "Reminders"
    	tell list "Inbox"
    		make new reminder with properties {name:"Test", remind me date:DueDate}
    	end tell
    end tell
  4. Adds reminders to Apples Reminders Inbox

    Syntax: rm <Title>;<due day>;<time>

    Following options:

    • due day and time are empty: due day will be set to today with 3 hours from now
    • time is empty: Reminder will be set to date provided at given time
    • accepted date format: <day>.<months> or <day>.<months>.<year> or tomorrownext week or <weekday>
    • weekday e.g. "Wednesday": Reminder will be set to the next weekday
    • accepted time format: <hours> or <hours>:<minutes>

    rmhelp opens quick help in Large Type



  5. Would be great to copy it to the clipboard on enter. I tried to add "copy to clipboard" Output to the WF but result will not be copied.


    Done, change line 111 in percent.py from

    wf.add_item(title=results, subtitle=subtitle)


    wf.add_item(arg=results,valid=True,title=results, subtitle=subtitle)

    and add WF step "Copy to Clipboard"

  6. Thx thetadogfish for the suggestions. 


    I implemented item counter.


    Not sure for the thousands separator because I need to use that number for further calculation and don't like to have the separators in the number. 

    Discard entries which aren't numbers would be a trade off: In case a term contains a string and removing the string would mean to loose the ability to enter e.g sqrt(2). Therefore I recommend to avoid adding senseless strings to the function but still have the ability to enter other math functions in a number series. Make sense?

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