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Posts posted by iandol

  1. @vitor — I was curious as to how workflows auto-update? At least with your updater it utilised the ability to track github releases, but that doesn't seem to be a requirement for hosted workflows anymore?

  2. There once was a great app called notational velocity [NV] for fast note taking. This was modified into NVAlt which used multimarkdown and when that stopped development another developer made a "spiritual successor", FSNotes. FSNotes works on both macOS and iOS, syncs well, is open source and you can use it for free, though I gladly bought a copy to support its developer. It has an Alfred workflow:






  3. Oh gosh! Honestly. You guys have really really outdone yourselves with Alfred Gallery. This thing utterly rocks. The integration with the workflow GUI is just stellar. Old workflows that are available show an upgrade, existing ones that are up-to-date with that cool little comet icon. One place to check for update. Resolve dependencies. 😍


    I am just ever so slightly missing some filtered lists on the web page like "New" / "Updated" / "Popular, but I expect they will come with time. 


    A huge, stellar enthusiastic thumbs up 👍

  4. 19 hours ago, vitor said:


    2022.9 is out with the new AT.


    Thank you vitor!!! Shortcuts should try to work similar to automator, it seems obvious when chaining actions together that you want to work on the output of the previous action to me. Temporary files break the chain for no clear purpose. Shortcuts provides no log, no feedback. I honestly cannot understand how Apple's numerous well paid developers cannot do provide some clear log like Alfreds wonderful debug panel of what is going on. 


    So I wanted to build a workflow only with automation blocks, select a png file, make a copy, then resize it. However the output of the automation item "Duplicate paths" does not return the file names, so a simple chain like:




    ...doesn't work. I imagine I can copy the original file name to a variable then recreate the copy name (2 is appended AFAICT), to send to the resize action, but it would be nice to be able to just chain these without a lot of intermediate processing. If "Duplicate" could output the resultant paths, could this chain then work as desired? 

  5. Apple shortcuts is a dumpster fire! I have this working automator workflow that duplicates and renames an image, resizes to 50% and then compresses it using the wonderful app imageoptim (note though I own pixelmator pro and it has equivalent actions but I wanted this to use the built-in apple functions):



    This works great. Trying to do the same in Apple Shortcuts just fails. First you cannot copy and rename a file without manually entering a folder, disrupting the automation. Then the saved file is not actually modified by the resize action, and there is no logging or error messages to tell you what is going wrong. Finally Shortcuts does not include the Pixelmator pro actions at all yet.


    I also wanted to try to do this directly in Alfred, but the automations are not yet capable of doing this either (for example resize actions don't accept percentages etc.).




  6. Thanks so much for considering this further @Andrew and good luck with all the other exciting features in the cooking pot!


    Latching is quite a selective term, and I suspect some people do not link the reliability over time of mapping of terms to items with the concept of latching. I think "pinning" is a more general and potentially easier word to employ if this feature were to be refined in the future.

  7. I do understand why Alfred wants a dynamic window by default. But I also have cases where I really want an ability to manually set the latch override. IIRC Quicksilver used to allow you to modify the weighting values assigned to entered values (you could set this dynamically within the floating window, no need for prefs etc.). But something as simple as "pinning" (using a key binding) would be enough?

  8. And is there a timer for this latching? I find that on my often-used laptop, Alfred forgets my search terms for some consistently used items. For example I use deanishe's convert workflow always typing "co" then finding that and selecting it so I'm hoping "co" is now latched to convert, but if I haven't used it for a couple of weeks then it seems to have lost its latch and typing "co" the workflow is way down my search results again?

  9. For those who are having trouble with this workflow, if you are willing to use a BibTeX intermediate (which is necessary for many workflows), This is a superb alternative with the developer active and working on this:



    It functions really well across many different reference managers (I use Bookends, will work with Zotero if you use BetterBibTeX), and is very fast for search and insert when writing using markdown or LaTeX...

  10. Hi Vitor, I can't get the V21.2 version of this working with the File Action. For example I select an app, bring up Actions, then select remove quarantine and I end up with the path of the app in the Alfred window:


    I select that actions and I get this:



    In the debug pane, showing all information I see this:


    [13:25:24.672] Logging Started...
    [13:25:34.175] RemoveQuarantine[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)'
    [13:25:34.540] RemoveQuarantine[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished
    [13:25:34.543] RemoveQuarantine[Script Filter] <?xml version='1.0'?><items>


    The script was sent 'null' which is bizarre as I definitely action the application and it does end up in the Alfred window...

  11. Wow, i only just noticed this. I use Bookends which now auto-syncs to a bib file. My database is ~8000 items. This workflow is super-quick!!! I assumed it was using some sort of native code voodoo, but no, this is made from well-made shell scripts and JXA javascript. Really nice feature set, and includes cheatsheets and other things like a CSL downloader. I would heartily concur this is the most elegant citation picker yet created!


    Chris, what happens when the bib file is edited externally, does this workflow cache the contents or will it pick up new references when they are added?


    Beautiful workflow, congratulations Chris!!! 

  12. 16 minutes ago, vitor said:
    ln -s "${HOME}/.pyenv/versions/2.7.18/bin/python2.7" "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/python"


    I don't want to affect other code and projects on my machine which assume python is 3.x. In my case, I've just done a global replace within the workflow to call 2.7 directly (installed via pyenv but I didn't run the path update or do any symlinking; this works fine). This way my python setup for other projects is unaffected, but I can still run the workflow. Thanks!

  13. 19 minutes ago, iandol said:

    ...but I still have the issue whereby I must switch python versions each time I need to use a workflow.




    To partially answer my own question pyenv does support multiple python versions and 'cascades' the versions making symlinks for specific versions: https://github.com/danhper/asdf-python#using-multiple-versions-of-python — so I could manually use python2.7 symlink for the workflows?

  14. Hi, I currently use only Python 3.10 and usually use venv to setup my environments. I can move over to pyenv to install my python versions, but I still have the issue whereby I must switch python versions each time I need to use a workflow. Is there a way to get Alfred to change the path when workflows are run so I can keep my preferred Python toolset in my shell and editor? 



  15. Hm, very likely 🤪 — do you know if that script is still valid to use (that gist was last updated in 2017 so I assume it possibly may not be working with V4.6.x of Alfred)? I don't quite know if Alfred does or doesn't care what that folder is named, or if it clashes with some metadata stored elsewhere?

  16. In the folder where Workflows are stored (Alfred.alfredpreferences/Workflows) each workflow is stored in a separate folder. I have two types of folder names there, those that follow the the bundle ID (e.g. iandol.bookends-tools), and those that get an automatic user.workflow.UUID name.


    What is the reason that some get the first and others the second name, and is there a way to standardise so they all use the bundle ID? For those that use the user.workflow.UUID I've tried to ensure the bundle ID is unique, then exported, deleted and reimported but get the same folder naming. 

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