@Andrew - That was it! Thank you so much - I didnt' even know there was another 'automation' security area. Thank you for the speedy answer. I'm back in business!
I am using the 'Play song' from iTunes as a workflow. The debugger shows"
I know this is an issue with Mojave and the new 'sandbox' security bubble they put around interacting with the OS; I just don't know how to give it access. Alfred is already enabled in the seurity section.
Any thoughts?
Thanks for that reply - I did find that in reality, I didn't have any tags on the MAIN HD, which was part of the problem. When I added the external drive to the search scope, TAGS started to work.
I think I am going crazy. I have Alfred using the default "tags" keyword. When I type "tags" it even asks, 'search the OS by tags'. but, when I type A TAG, it changes to searching google. What am I missing?