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Everything posted by Prem

  1. Hi, first, thanks to @vitor for this super-useful workflow. During installation, I faced an issue where I'm unable to execute 1Password searches via Alfred; the only visible option is 'Updating Items'. Diagnostics and logs suggest a potential issue with workflow loading, indicated by 'LaunchJob not loaded not installed'. Any advice or solutions would be greatly appreciated. !1pdiagnostic output ### Workflow version 2023.12 ### Alfred version 5.1.4 ### macOS version 14.1.1 ### Architecture i386 ### Preferences Dict { } ### 1Password version 8.10.20 ### op version 2.18.0 ### Launchd job NOT loaded NOT installed Debug log [17:13:55.443] 1Password[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [17:13:55.455] 1Password[Script Filter] {"rerun":0.1,"items":[{"title":"Updating items…","subtitle":"Will take a few seconds","valid":false}]} [17:13:55.543] 1Password[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)' [17:13:55.559] 1Password[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished [17:13:55.561] 1Password[Script Filter] {"rerun":0.1,"items":[{"title":"Updating items…","subtitle":"Will take a few seconds","valid":false}]} [17:13:55.659] 1Password[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)'
  2. Thank you @vitor for the pointer. Indeed after moving config file to local drive and allowing the Firefox Assistant plug-in to be run (Privacy&Security->Security) everything got back to normal.
  3. Hello, I've just upgraded OSX from Monterey to Sonoma. Since then, my beloved Firefox Assistant has stopped working. When I attempted to debug it, I encountered the following error: 15:14:50.914] ERROR: Firefox Assistant[Script Filter] Code 1: 15:14:50 workflow_paths.go:143: [warning] info.plist not found. Guessed: /Users/prborek/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.7189F05D-6370-46C8-A04C-F123468921B6 🍺 Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
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