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  1. @wrjlewis this workflow is fantastic! Much more sophisticated than my puny little workflow hehe. Question: with your workflow, is it possible to have pages open in a new window? I've gotten your workflow to work, but it seems to only be able to open pages in the existing window, which isn't as useful since I can already do that with Cmd + K. Am I using it wrong? Is there functionality that has evaded me? If not, how difficult would it be to modify your workflow to open the pages in a new window rather than an already open window? Really really awesome job. Thank you so much man! Tommy
  2. @nokiafan I'm not sure I fully understand you. By "virtual desktops" I take it you mean the desktops that come up in a bar at the top of the MacOS screen when you swipe down with 4 fingers (although it may be set to a different command for you)? I can also navigate those by using Ctrl + [left arrow key] or [right arrow key]? And it sounds like you're saying that, if you have two desktops open, and you have a Notion window open in, say, Desktop 2, and then you move over to Desktop 1 and execute the 'nn' workflow to open a new Notion window in Desktop 1, it flicks you back to Desktop 2? I think I have a solution for you! I'm not 100% sure, but I think I had that problem and solved it--it was over 6 months ago now. I just did a quick Google, and I'm pretty sure this is what I did: On this Apple support page, it explains: Basically, it seems like it's an option you can toggle on and off in Mac. I've had it turned off since I found this solution, and it's had zero noticeable side effects (i.e. it doesn't seem to impact any other functionality that I use on my Mac). Let me know if it works for you!
  3. Glad to hear it's on the right path to being useful to you, optimalflow! There's two problems I'm picking up on here: A) when you use the shortcut, it pings back to the desktop where the Notion window is already open rather than opening it in situ on the desktop you're currently viewing. B) the Notion page you have already open when you use the shortcut reverses to a prior page For A: have you checked your settings in System Preferences > Mission Control ? There should be a box there that you can toggle on and off which says "When switching to an application, switch to a Space with open windows for the application. Try unticking that box, and see if problem A persists. For B: I've updated the shortcut on Github, which appears to have fixed the issue. Now, it will open the page you were on before, but it won't do anything to your currently open window. Let me know if this works. When I have some time, I'll try and figure out a way to make it customisable so that it always opens at a particular page pre-designated by the user--whatever the user considers their own personal "home" page as far as this shortcut is concerned. Hope this helps!
  4. Not at all—it’s the maker’s job to clearly communicate how their thing works! Glad all working smoothly! If you like it, you might like some of my other shortcuts (they’re all pretty simple and similar in spirit). They’re all on my GitHub page
  5. Edit: I've since changed the workflow to simply open a duplicate of whatever page you're on. This solved the issue of the prior page navigating "back" one page when the new page was opened. Oh, is the workflow opening Notion to the web browser as opposed to the Mac app? I may have forgotten to explain this part. See if this works for you. If it does, I'll update the workflow accordingly I've created my own public example page in Notion, so you can test the workflow before plugging in your own link. This will allow us to make sure it's working before you customise it to open the Notion page that you want it to open. The code in the Apple script is as follows, this time with my freshly created (and public) example page: on alfred_script(q) tell application "Notion" to activate tell application "System Events" to keystroke "n" using {command down, shift down} tell application "Notion" to open location {"notion://www.notion.so/tommarshall/Example-c8c0ea70bd094a82a40f1ee3c11c4169"} end alfred_script Go into the workflow on Alfred, right click on the "Run NSAppleScript" object, click "Configure Object...", delete the entire existing script, and replace it with the code above. Once you've done that, when you run the shortcut (i.e. without modifying it at all) it should open a page called "Example" with a brief note of jubilation that the workflow appeared to work. If that page successfully opened in Notion—yay! If you run into any issues, please let me know! Also, in case I wasn't clear in the README, this is how you paste in your own link: To make the shortcut open your Notion page within Notion's Mac App (rather than in your browser), simply copy the link to your Notion page (which is just a regular old URL), delete the `https` at the beginning of the URL, and replace the `https` with `notion` so that you end up with a link the beginning of which looks like the link in the code block above. That's literally all you need to do--replace the link with your own, and replace `https` with `notion`, and it should work. If it doesn't, then I've screwed up 🥴.
  6. This workflow is set to open Gmail by default, but can be easily configured to open any webpage by changing the URL in the Apple Script within the workflow. Configuring the workflow in this way requires almost zero programming knowledge--you just go into the Apple script of the workflow and replace the Gmail URL with whatever URL you want the workflow to open. You can also, of course, customise the keyword to match whatever URL it is you want to open. To use this workflow out of the box, type "gm" into Alfred and Gmail will open in a new Safari window. This workflow can be adapted to open any page in Safari; all you have to do is change the link in the Apple Script. The Github page for this workflow can be found here, and you can download it directly by clicking this link. The Apple Script used can also be found in the Github repository. This workflow was made for Mac OS using an Apple Script.
  7. This Alfred workflow opens a new Notion window when supplied the keyword "nn". The Github repository for the workflow can be found here. To download the Alfred workflow directly, click this link. This workflow was made for Mac OS using Apple script (which you can see in the Github repo).
  8. This Alfred workflow opens a new Safari tab with keyword "ns", and Google searches whatever you type after "ns ". If you don't type anything after "ns " (as usual, there has to be a space after the keyword), it just opens to the generic Google Search page. e.g. If you write "ns snoop dogg", a new Safari window will open the Google search results for "snoop dogg". If you only type "ns" into Alfred, the workflow will simply open a new Safari window. The Github page for this workflow can be found here, and you can download it directly by clicking this link. The Apple Script used can also be found in the Github repository. This workflow was made for Mac OS using an Apple Script.
  9. What this workflow does: This Alfred workflow wraps whatever text is highlighted on your screen in pre-specified text strings. By default, this workflow will wrap the highlighted text in double carets (i.e. "^^"), but you can very easily change what text to add right before and after your highlighted text by simply editing the code to replace the `'^^'`'s on each side of `argv` with whatever text you want (making sure that whatever text you want to add is also surrounded by quotation marks). This is how the Ruby code that powers workflow looks "out of the box": print ARGV.map{ |argv|'^^' + argv + '^^' }.join If I wanted to change the workflow to wrap a piece of text—like "hello, world", for example—such that it came out "Well, hello, world!", all I would have to do is edit the code to look like this: print ARGV.map{ |argv|'Well, ' + argv + '!' }.join How to use this workflow: To use this workflow, visit my GitHub page for this workflow, download the "wrap-selected-text.alfredworkflow" file, and open the file with Alfred.
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