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  1. Hi boulevard, This workflow is using a command line version of a telegram client - it's basically as if Alfred was remote controlling your normal Telegram client. The data is stored locally, you only interact remotely with Telegram servers. Most Alfred integrations either control a program on your PC or call some remote server for the work to happen. As for security, the code is open, but nothing about them makes them particularly safe - afaik no-one reviews them in this regard. But that's a problem of PCs in general, and not Alfred in particular ;)
  2. So telegram-cli isn't able to run, because liblua is missing. Can u check if any liblua.??.dylib file is in the /usr/local/opt/lua/lib/ folder? if you have brew installed, you could try brew install lua
  3. 0.0.4: Major update: own telegram-cli from different repo (https://github.com/kenorb-contrib/tg, vysheng's seems abandoned, and brew installs the one from vysheng), merged th, tc and t, added ta to activate telegram with a certain user selected
  4. For some reason droplr decided that the links work again. So the download links magically are good again - Feel free to work based on it, it's quite arcane though and skype decided to ban the way I accessed it a long time ago.
  5. Hey! After 6 Years of Mac abstinence I'm back to OSX and Alfred was a main reason to switch back But what Skype was then, Telegram is today and I saw that there is no Workflow for Telegram 😪 - unbearable. So here it is. It's a first rough prototype but it does exactly what it should. It's a quite decent prototype, still lacking the really cool features, but quite stable - yay. UPDATE: I've switched to delivering a self-compiled version of telegram-cli from a more up-to-date repo, 'treset' should unlock it - but please let me know if it doesn't run. You might have to run "brew install telegram" nonetheless to install all the linked libraries it requires - I can't really test without a second Mac around. If you don't like binary blobs, feel free to build "telegram-cli" yourself from the kenorb-contrib repo and replace it in the workflow's directory. t - write to a user or group, see history th - show history with user and send message tc - Talk to Groups tr - Quick reply to last user ta - Activate Telegram with user selected treset - Delete cache files (should have no effect), remove com.apple.quarantine flag from telegram-cli and start telegram-cli in terminal window, so you can it requires that you install telegram-cli, which - if you have brew installed - is a mere "brew install telegram" away. Before you can use it, you have to run 'treset' once, to remove the quarantine-flag from telegram-cli and log into telegram! Telegram session information is stored in /.telegram-cli and not in the workflow directory. = Releases = 0.0.1: Initial Release with commands: t, th 0.0.2: Added tr, tc 0.0.4: Major update: own telegram-cli from different repo (https://github.com/kenorb-contrib/tg, vysheng's seems abandoned, and brew installs the one from vysheng), merged th, tc and t, added ta to activate telegram with a certain user selected = Get It = https://github.com/xtin/TeleFred/blob/master/TeleFred.alfredworkflow = Wish List = - tg - Talk to Groups - currently limited because telegram-cli segfaults on the dialog_list command (known bug: https://github.com/vysheng/tg/issues/1580 ) - so we don't know what groups there are. - tl - show 5 last conversations (likely victim to same bug) - tr - Quick reply to last user - tc - Call user - tclip - Send clipboard to user - tss - Send last screenshot to user - Show media in the history - Load user pics and show them in the preview = If you want to help, that's very welcome! You can also talk to me on Telegram: t.me/raf_ael =
  6. Unfortunately, I don't seem to have the code anymore.
  7. I no longer have a mac and therefore cannot provide any help here. If there's a willing developer to take over, I would be more than grateful. I think the source should be mostly self explanatory - and is mostly documented as well.
  8. I see, that means that something went wrong and no output was generated, hence nothing was cached... unfortunately I don't have a Mac anymore, so I can't really support this. Maybe one of the other active workflow devs could take this over?
  9. After running wlup, you should get a notification, that tells you how many tasks have been cached from the list. (Something like "223 Tasks in 20 Lists") do you get this or what content does the notification show?
  10. You may start here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/2632-wunderlist-2-workflow-alpha/
  11. Start here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/2632-wunderlist-2-workflow-alpha/
  12. Here's a quick workflow for wunderlist 2, it uses its undocumented api To use it you need to edit the file wunderfred.py in the workflow, there is a line that you need to edit your login credentials to: w = Wunderlist("email","password") #<<< Add login credentials here! It has 3 commands. wlup - updates the cached list (takes a while) wlt - lists the tasks filtered by whatever you type after the keyword. If you select a task and hit enter, it will be marked completed. wla - adds a new task to the list you select by searching. whatever is after the : will be written to the task WARNING: I do not have the time and will therefore not support this workflow, I just put it out there, for someone to pick it up and hone it into a more polished workflow. It works fine for me and has all that's necessary, but there are several things that could be improved. (e.g. login credentials, convenient way to set importance and other things required.). Also it might break at any time if wunderlist changes their api, as it is not documented, there is also no guarantee for it to stay that way. If you feel on improving on it, let me know, I will gladly link this thread to your version. Download: http://d.pr/f/J7v0 Credits: Based on the reverse engineering and code done by bsmt: http://bsmt.me/blog/2013/03/02/reverse-engineering-the-wunderlist-api/
  13. Thanks for digging into this and sorry for my sluggish reply. Interesting problem... if you delete the avatars folder in the extension directory and try again, does the same number of images show up again? It might be that something went wrong during extraction. The most general tip is to wrap with contextlib.closing(sqlite3.connect(path).cursor()) as db: for av in db.execute("SELECT skypename,avatar_image FROM Contacts WHERE type=1 AND is_permanent=1 UNION"\ " SELECT skypename,avatar_image from Accounts"): if av[1] is not None: with open("avatars/"+av[0]+".jpeg","wr") as f: f.write(str(av[1])[1:]) #For some reason, the first byte is 0, then the jpg starts. bg = Image.open("avatars/"+av[0]+".jpeg").resize((96,96),Image.ANTIALIAS) bg.save("avatars/"+av[0]+".jpeg") for v in vers: bg = Image.open("avatars/"+av[0]+".jpeg") #bg.thumbnail((96,96),Image.ANTIALIAS) fg = Image.open("images/status_"+v+".png") bg.paste(fg, (0, 0), fg) bg.save("avatars/"+av[0]+"_"+v+".jpeg") with try, except: with contextlib.closing(sqlite3.connect(path).cursor()) as db: for av in db.execute("SELECT skypename,avatar_image FROM Contacts WHERE type=1 AND is_permanent=1 UNION"\ " SELECT skypename,avatar_image from Accounts"): try: if av[1] is not None: with open("avatars/"+av[0]+".jpeg","wr") as f: f.write(str(av[1])[1:]) #For some reason, the first byte is 0, then the jpg starts. bg = Image.open("avatars/"+av[0]+".jpeg").resize((96,96),Image.ANTIALIAS) bg.save("avatars/"+av[0]+".jpeg") for v in vers: bg = Image.open("avatars/"+av[0]+".jpeg") #bg.thumbnail((96,96),Image.ANTIALIAS) fg = Image.open("images/status_"+v+".png") bg.paste(fg, (0, 0), fg) bg.save("avatars/"+av[0]+"_"+v+".jpeg") except IOError: pass
  14. That's great thank you, exactly what i needed! I will publish a version today that will remedy that problem What you you can do is rename your dad's visible name in skype so it contains "Dad", you should then be able to "s dad", where he should be the first hit. (If not, add "dad" twice, the entries are sorted by the number of characters that are match your query, e.g. if you do "s dad" and the skypename of your dad is daddaddad, it will return 9 as 9 chars have been matched ) After you changed the name, run "s update" to load the namechange into the cache. (Note: What is displayed as name is what the user has set as his full name, only if no fullname is set, the given name (the one you set) is displayed, for searching though, the account name, fullname and given name are used)
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