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rknightuk last won the day on August 8 2021

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  1. Folks I am retiring this workflow - I don't have the time to put into fixing the bugs, or the permissions issues, and frankly I just don't use it myself any more. The workflow will still be available in the same place but I won't be attempting to fix any of the existing issues.
  2. Update has been pushed to GitHub now I remembered how.
  3. Yeah absolutely I will (if I can remember how to do an update)
  4. @AndrewThanks Andrew, I have got it working with grid view and it's great, it's just that it's an extra keypress to start searching. It's not a massive thing at all and maybe it's just me who would be bothered by this.
  5. Thanks, I did see that option but that doesn't solve what I'm talking about (I might not be explaining myself well) - doing that I still need to type the keyword and hit enter, for it to then render the grid view. I can't, as best I can tell, type `gif searchterm` and it show the results in a grid view like I can with a script filter.
  6. Just checking out the 5.5 beta and the new grid view which is working great on my gif search workflow (https://alfred.app/workflows/rknightuk/gif-search/). What I'm wondering is if it would be possible to use grid view as the output of a script filter. Right now if I want to use a grid view as the search UI, I need to do `keyword > press enter > show grid view > type {searchterm}` whereas with the script filter I can type `{keyword} searchterm` and it immediately shows results in a list. It's possible I'm missing a way to do this already and if so please let me know 😅
  7. rknightuk


    You're absolutely right and I'm kicking myself now for making it so much more difficult that it needed to be. Both this and HTTP codes have been updated to 1.0.1 used `cat` on the JSON instead of mapping it for no reason. Thanks Vitor, appreciate your help.
  8. Binary removed, screenshot updated.
  9. Auto updating is off - thought I'd removed this from all of them, apologies. Screenshot has been updated.
  10. rknightuk

    Gif Search

    Author: Me Github: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/tree/main/workflows/gifsearch Dependencies: none Icon: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/raw/main/workflows/gifsearch/src/icon.png Screenshot: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/raw/main/workflows/gifsearch/src/screenshot.png
  11. Author: Me Github: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/tree/main/workflows/safari-tabs-markdown Dependencies: none Icon: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/raw/main/workflows/safari-tabs-markdown/src/icon.png Screenshot: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/raw/main/workflows/safari-tabs-markdown/src/screenshot.png
  12. rknightuk


    Author: Me Github: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/tree/main/workflows/findmoji Dependencies: none Icon: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/raw/main/workflows/findmoji/src/icon.png Screenshot: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/raw/main/workflows/findmoji/src/screenshot.png
  13. rknightuk


    Author: Me Github: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/tree/main/workflows/micromarks Dependencies: none Icon: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/raw/main/workflows/micromarks/src/icon.png Screenshot: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/raw/main/workflows/micromarks/src/screenshot.png
  14. Author: Me Github: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/tree/main/workflows/microposter Dependencies: none Icon: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/raw/main/workflows/microposter/src/icon.png Screenshot: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/raw/main/workflows/microposter/src/screenshot.png
  15. Author: Me Github: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/tree/main/workflows/httpstatuscodes Dependencies: none Icon: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/raw/main/workflows/httpstatuscodes/src/icon.png Screenshot: https://github.com/rknightuk/alfred-workflows/raw/main/workflows/httpstatuscodes/src/screenshot.png
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