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Posts posted by dfay

  1. With a list filter, where there's a finite, user-defined set of possible actions, it would be convenient to just hit a single key to trigger an action (by default this could be the first character in the action, with duplicate highlighting in the setup).  I'm working on a replacement for the buggy, slow-to-be-updated Mail Act-On , and my muscle memory can't handle hitting return any more than I used to. 

  2. I'm wondering if it would be possible in Alfred 4 to write a workflow that would call a list filter or script filter which would display the text selection in various fonts, with an action to paste the reformatted text.


    All of this is straightforward except changing the font.  I looked briefly at the arg/var object but it doesn't allow rtf transformations at this point.  I'm not really up for writing the raw rtf code to do this but wondering if there's a simpler way....

  3. I set my URL handler to x-cardhop://show?id={uid}


    When I view a contact in Alfred's contact viewer, then hit ⌘O, it opens in Cardhop.


    However, when I have a contact in Alfred's results list, then hit ⌘O, it opens in Contacts.  I'd prefer it if this would also use my custom URL handler instead.

  4. Change the Run NSAppleScript content to


    on alfred_script(q)
    	set quote to first paragraph of q
        set otd to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"(Kindle Locations ", ")"}
    	set bits to every text item of q
    	set pageNumber to item 3 of bits
    	set quote to first paragraph of q
    	return quoted form of quote & " (" & pageNumber & ")"
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to otd
    end alfred_script

    That fixed it for me. 

  5. FYI you can act on the selected text with the PopClip Alfred extension ... once it gets updated for Alfred 4.


    In the meantime, you can set up a workflow with two items:

    Hotkey -> Show Alfred with {query} as the argument and cursor 


    There's no need to script the pasting or cursor movement in the workflow.

  6. Did you transfer Alfred prefs from the old Mac?  If not it’s working off Spotlight data from the new machine and I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple weights the native apps more heavily.  I’d expect that after a few days of use Alfred should (re)learn your use patterns.

  7. Hmm I think I exported from the Alfred 4 beta....and I've deleted Alfred 3 and let Hazel work its magic on related files....might be tricky to get this back.

  8. This snippet will give you today's date:


    {date:EEEE, MMMM d, YYYY}


    You can use the native snippets feature for this, you don't need a workflow.  The docs are a little lacking, though ( https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/clipboard/dynamic-placeholders/#date-time ) - I had to dig around a bit in the incomprehensible Unicode docs to figure out how to get the day of the week (EEEE).


    Getting the next business day is trickier.  It wouldn't be hard to get tomorrow except on Fridays, then get Monday, but if you want to take into account local holidays then you'll need to pull in calendar data from somewhere.



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