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Posts posted by dfay

  1. No. 


    Where workflows contain hotkeys, the hotkeys are stripped out when you import the workflow, to ensure that these don't clash with your existing hotkeys.


    from https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/tutorial-importing-and-setting-up-alfred-workflows/


    There's obviously a tradeoff here but I think it's better to have the user do a little bit more customisation rather than potentially overwrite their existing setup.

  2. 4 hours ago, vitor said:


    I spent hours marking up the graduate admissions letter from a certain university ... someone had clearly attempted unsuccessfully to recreate letterhead in a Word document ... kerning was just one of many many problems.  To me, it was like telling prospective graduate students that we don’t care about attention to detail so come to our university.  Painful to look at.

  3. Hmmm...it seems there is a markdown plug-in at least if this post still applies: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/432816-editor-overhaul/


    I haven’t really been bothered but I haven’t been that active lately & certainly haven’t been revising complex posts.  


    I think keeping the overarching infrastructure but changing the editor (or giving users that option) might be an optimal compromise solution.



  4. I have seen too much hard work and good information lost when companies switched forum software (37 signals....), and there is such a wealth of experiences embedded in these boards, I’d be happier just sticking with what we have.  Even with its flaws.  One can always link to github or gist easily enough if syntax highlighting is really a problem.

  5. 1 hour ago, deanishe said:

    I'd assumed OP meant via Alfred's navigation mode, which is why I suggested something completely different.

    Yes I realised that too.  I barely use it...but using the regular file selection action hotkey also works from within the Alfred file nav...which I didn't know until I tried that now...

  6. Hmm....I have been using file filters to search folders forever so this doesn't seem awkward to me.  But that's from search, not from Alfred's file interface.  I added file actions wired to the existing keywords.


    In re: Finder tabs - to go further with controlling tabs is going to require a lot of UI scripting - and the challenge is that the active tab isn't revealed to AppleScript.


    "Close All Tabs but the Active One" can be simulated by the following AppleScript but it closes and opens so it's not so clean:

    tell application "Finder"
    	set t to target of front window
    	close front window
    	open t
    end tell

    Anyway I added it to the workflow.


     "Reopen Closed Tab" won't be possible but I added a script filter that lists the recent folders.

  7. Yes.  I added an environment variable - it's set to use tabs by default since that's my preference.


    Adding the AppleScript to take care of the new tabs (embedded in bashfinder.sh) took all of five minutes.  Trying to set the environment variable programmatically in bash took more than an hour and I gave up.  So at this point you need to set it manually.  

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