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Sridhar Katakam

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Everything posted by Sridhar Katakam

  1. I got it. osascript: tell application "Google Chrome" execute front window's active tab javascript "javascript:(function(e,t){var n=e.document;setTimeout(function(){function a(e){if(e.data==='destroy_bookmarklet'){var r=n.getElementById(t);if(r){n.body.removeChild(r);r=null}}}var t='DELI_bookmarklet_iframe',r=n.getElementById(t);if(r){return}var i='https://delicious.com/save?',s=n.createElement('iframe');s.id=t;s.src=i+'url='+encodeURIComponent(e.location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(n.title)+'&note='+encodeURIComponent(''+(e.getSelection?e.getSelection():n.getSelection?n.getSelection():n.selection.createRange().text))+'&v=1.1';s.style.position='fixed';s.style.top='0';s.style.left='0';s.style.height='100%';s.style.width='100%';s.style.zIndex='16777270';s.style.border='none';s.style.visibility='hidden';s.onload=function(){this.style.visibility='visible'};n.body.appendChild(s);var o=e.addEventListener?'addEventListener':'attachEvent';var u=o=='attachEvent'?'onmessage':'message';e[o](u,a,false)},1)})(window)" end tell
  2. I am looking for a workflow that would invoke the Add to Delicious bookmarklet whose code is here via a keyword in Alfred. The way the bookmarklet works is: You select any text (optional) that should be in the 'Your Comment' text area and click on the bookmarklet in the bookmarks bar. It opens up a popup like this: We can edit the description, fill in tags (auto suggesting) and add the link. Thanks in advance.
  3. Thanks. That worked. Made this to a workflow: http://cl.ly/2l3n0l3E302r
  4. Thanks, that worked for Safari. Tried changing "Safari" to "Chrome" but that did not work.
  5. Hi, I am not sure if this is the right forum for requesting for a simple (I hope) workflow. I would like to type "copyurl" and have the active tab's URL in Chrome or Safari (whichever browser is in front) be copied to clipboard. Thanks in advance.
  6. Is it possible to specify the name of the file? like: txt notes.txt
  7. Ok. Until then I will use http://www.darktrojan.net/software/addons/openwith
  8. Thanks for this. Waiting for support for Firefox. i.e, detect active tab URL in Firefox and send it to other browsers.
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