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aiyo last won the day on April 20 2022

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  1. I just downloaded Opera 16.0 (16.0.1196.62) and you are right, Send URL can not fetch the URL from it... I will try to find a solution for it.
  2. Do you use the latest version of the workflow? I don't have this problem with Opera (Next) 12.15...
  3. Hi, Right now Send URL only fetches urls from a few browsers (Safari, Chrome, Opera, Camino and OmniWeb) or a url copied to the clipboard. I might add more applications later... You can add a keyboard shortcut to the script by navigation to the workflow in Alfred Preferences and click the + in the top right corner and then select 'trigger' -> 'hotkey'. Choose a key combination and press save and then drag a line from the 'hotkey' box to the 'script filter' box. Cheers
  4. Hi, Mail.app is supposed be in the list, if it's not please let me know so I can find out why. You can add applications to the workflow by adding the bundle ID to the "supportedApplications.txt" file in the workflow folder. Remember to add a comma and the filetypes the application can work with or "*" for any filetype. As an example, to add support for iSkysoft iTube Studio the line would be "com.iSkysoft.iTube Studio,*" The workflow make use of the shell "open" command so make sure the application supports this. I have added support for iSkysoft iTube Studio in the latest version of the workflow, you find the link in the first post in this thread. Cheers, Jonas
  5. This is certainly possible and I will add it to the workflow in a future update Cheers, Jonas
  6. There is not really a reliable way to get the last window and paste the URL into the right field so I am not going to add this kind of functionality into SendURL. That said I might add support for Skype in a future release. Cheers, Jonas
  7. What version of OSX are you running?
  8. Then try uninstalling the Workflow, download and install it again.
  9. Seems to be the best solution around
  10. User/access Tokens and Consumer keys are still secrets and should be stored in a safe way. Cheers, Jonas
  11. Try open a link (though Send URL) with one of the apps the shows up (or copy it as a Markdown/HTML link), after that the workflow should refresh it's application cache. Cheers, Jonas
  12. Support for fetching URLs from Firefox is not likely to come anytime soon... Firefox have no support for Applescript and the few hacks I have seen, don't work well (sometimes shows a wrong URL). Cheers, Jonas
  13. Hi, Pocket.app (from the App Store) don't seem to be able to open a link through the "open" command. And don't support applescript. To post a link through getpockets.com's API requires a user token. I have not found a easy and satisfying way to store passwords and tokens safely for use in Alfred workflows. Therefore I have no plan for adding features to my workflow requiring password or tokens (at least not before I find a solution to this problem). Cheers
  14. The workflow is updated (again) and should now work with VMs that is not in a group. https://github.com/a....alfredworkflow (All links in this thread points to the same version of the Workflow) Cheers
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