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Everything posted by arjunrc

  1. Just send me the file ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb NOTE: Please remember, by doing this, you are sending me a copy of all your contacts in your address book, so I will have access to their names/emails and any other details you may have stored in it. I can promise you I won't use it for any other purposes besides trying to figure out why my workflow is not able to read it, but if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't send it (and its perfectly reasonable to be uncomfortable) If you are ok despite the warning above, please email that file to me - I'll send you my email ID in a private message. DO NOT post a link to that file in this forum
  2. Okay, so you have a valid address book, your Mac OS version is the same as mine, but for some reason my workflow is not able to read your address book. (I use iCloud too). The only thing I can imagine is that there is some format difference between your address book and mine that I am not aware of. Unfortunately, the only way I can help is if I get a copy of your address book so I can see if I can read it myself (AddressBook-v22.abcddb) otherwise we may keep trying things to no avail. I totally understand you may not want to share that as it has all your personal contact details. I can't think of how else to solve the problem though :-(
  3. Yup that is not what I was expecting. Are you sure you are using the Mac contacts app to store names? What is the size of this file? ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb Can you print the output of this
  4. Sorry, my mistake - I forgot the "/" at the start. Please recopy the command - I edited it above
  5. Okay, so the problem is that my workflow is not finding any names matching Peter, which is odd. Last try: Launch a terminal and type this. Let me know if it prints anything If this prints out a big list of everyone in your contacts, book then great (you don't need to paste the output - just let me know if it prints a lot of names and emails)
  6. Yes, now in that same directory, as you are in right now, that should have created a temp.names file. Do this in that same terminal and tell me if it lists all the 'peter's and emails in your address book ( I am assuming you have at least one person by the name of peter in your contacts book) Finally, just to make sure, type this command in the terminal and tell me what you see
  7. 1. Launch a terminal 2. Type in 3. Type in (note the back ticks in command above - make sure you copy paste the above) 4. You will now be inside the workflow folder for this memail action 5. Now, from terminal, type If it does not generate an error, take a look at the contents of temp.names (its in the same directory). Let me know if it lists all the 'peter's in your contacts book. If it throws an error, please tell me the error
  8. What is the exact error? (Also, please check if this file exists for you ~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb ) Further note for those who are facing problems: 1) Launch a terminal and go to the workflow folder 2) There is a shell script called "search.sh" there - run it with "sh ./search.sh <firstname>" where <firstname> is some name (or subset of a same) in your contacts app 3) Check file temp.names to see if it correctly found all entries with that <firstname> substring. If it did not, then we have a problem with the address book name
  9. Hi Roccitman, would you mind letting me know which version of OSX and perl you have and also if you have XCode installed? Another person is trying to install DateTime and its not working for him, so I wanted to see what you have.
  10. Yup I Thought so. Actually, that module is not mandatory - I got lazy when creating this and used that function for its convenience. I uploaded a new version that does not use it. Please try it (Modified link in first post). Thanks for reporting this - I've got so many extras in perl installed, including different perl versions, its hard to tell what will/not work in other machines. On another note, if for any reason this workflow does not work for you and you still need this functionality, try the one hosted on my blog here - I've been using it for ages and it works well.
  11. Updated the download link. The new version allows you to enter "cc" emails as well. To do "cc" hit the "/" key - all emails after that will be in CC
  12. Can you launch a terminal and let me know which one of these commands print an error and which ones don't print out anything?
  13. What? Lets you send emails to multiple persons, including CC. You can either use your default email client or web based gmail Download HERE (Current version 1.4) Changelog (May1, 2013: Updated version 1.4: You can now either use 'memail' to use your default client, or 'memailg' to send the mail via the web based version of Gmail) (Apr 30 2013: Updated version 1.3: Changed workflow to work even if your address book is stored in iCloud. Thanks to Kerry Dawson for patiently testing this) (Updated: version 1.2: Changed keyword to 'memail' to avoid confusion. Fixed bugs, allowed CC option. For CC, just hit "/" and all emails after that will be in cc) How? Alfred has an excellent "email" keyword that lets you enter names and it autocompletes them from your address book - and then you can send emails. However, it only supports sending emails to one id - you can't enter multiple names. Enter this workflow: You have two options - you can type in "memail" to send emails via your default email client or "memailg" to send emails via web based gmail. Type in "memail" or "memailg" and start entering the name - it will resolve via address book - then type a comma and keep entering more names. When done, select the action to send emails to all the ids. Basically, as you type names, you will see options in a list below - just scroll to the right name and hit tab to continue selecting more names (don't hit enter if you want to type more names, as typing enter means you are done). To copy the names to your clipboard instead of composing an email right away, hit Cmd+Enter at the end. Two keywords: (memail or memailg) The workflow will start searching your Contacts only after you enter at least 4 characters Example of matching entries: Example of multiple emails including CC (for CC hit / and continue with names) Feel free to extend it and if you do, please share back with me. Purchasing information Just kidding. It's free. But thanks for reading upto here.
  14. Hi, I have a scenario where I am using autocomplete, but it looks like autocomplete will not let me pass arguments (according to documentation, arguments are ignored). Why is this? Is it possible to create a situation where I can use autocomplete as well as pass the autocompleted text as an argument to a subsequent script?
  15. Okay, so far I've managed to get a list of contacts based on keywords. I have a script filter based on keyword 'mem' (for now) that does this This script basically searches your mac address book for your argument and outputs first,last names and their emails to temp.names I then invoke findaddr.pl via That outputs the names and emails in a nice itemized list for Alfred to display on the fly The code for findaddr.pl So where I am right now is the workflow is showing all emails and names that match my query. What I need to do next is to let the user somehow select multiple entries. How do I go about doing that in alfred? Once I have that done, I'll add comma support
  16. hi, the readme will show up when you double click on the workflow name (Alfred->Preferences->Workflow) What you need to do: start a terminal type in sudo cpan install Text::Capitalize if you are getting 'cant access' errors, you may be behind a proxy? If so, I found this http://abhijit.name/setting_cpan_for_proxy.html
  17. What? Synopsis: If you are regularly attending meetings where people from different countries need to join and you need a quick and easy way to check a future date in all the time zones, wouldn't you love just saying "April 17 10am london to paris,germany,india" And boom. You would know what date and time April 17 10am is in paris, germany and india? Every timezone calculator I've used so far either have clunky drop down menus or, like google time search, only works with current dates, not future dates. Not very helpful. Read on. This workflow does just that. Features: 1) enter your own shortcuts for long timezones (there is a convenience code mapping in a file you can extend) 2) enter full timezones 3) enter cities,countries not part of above and it will use Google to convert it to a timezone (best guess) 4) allows you to enter many destinations at once (tzc 10am md to paris,london,czech,algeria) Download Download link Current version of workflow 1.4 Changelog May 5 2013: Released v1.4 - fixed bugs. Removed dependency on DateTime - easier to install for non dev. users. No xcode etc. needed. The workflow should work without any additional installation steps (or so I hope) May 4 2013: Released v1.3 -added Google api integration, added explicit instructions on install pre-requisites April 18 2013: Original version Keyword tzc How This is an easy to use time zone converter with multiple tz support. Specifically, I often have 'meeting scheduling requirements' with customers from all around the world. So someone asks me 'hey are you ok with a meeting on April 17th at 10am london time?' and then given that I want to make sure that time is ok with me as well as my team members who are in different countries, I need to quickly calculate what that means in different timezones. tzc to the rescue Most available calculators are cumbersome, or, don't handle multiple zones, etc. so I wrote my own All you need to do for the above is, in alfred type "tzc April 17 10am london to paris,germany,india" and boom - you will have what this means to folks in paris, germany and india. Alternately, you can just say "tzc 10am london to paris, germany, india" to skip date. Many other options - see help file in the worflow Here you are converting 10AM maryland to paris and bogotia. Note the different icon for Bogota. This means, bogota was not recognized and it did a google API matching to resolve the timezone Here is an example of a future date + time conversion Note that this workflow requires some perl modules to be installed, so if it does not find them, it will tell you. See below for installation instructions Also, in that workflow folder, there is a file called mycities.inc - you can assign shortnames to timezones so you don't have to remember long timezone names (london,paris,germany examples are all shortnames defined in mycities.inc - extend it to add your own). To edit the shortnames "tzc edit" To get help, "tzc help" Troubleshooting (if things don't work) This workflow needs two perl modules to be installed. They are Date::Parse & LWP::UserAgent. You *should* already have them installed but if the workflow is telling you one of these modules are missing, read on: Step 1: Launch a terminal Step 2: Check if you have both Date::Parse and LWP::UserAgent installed In the terminal, type and then If either of them generate an error, you need to follow the next steps. If neither of the above produce any output, you have them installed already. Enjoy the workflow - you don't need to follow the rest of the steps. Step 3: Type in It may ask you lots of questions, just go with defaults/yes. Get to a point where you get a cpan> prompt Then type, one by one To make sure, exit cpan, launch a terminal and repeat step 2 to make sure these don't print any errors. If none of these result in an error, you are all set. Comments, feedback welcome. Its possible I am not leveraging some cool things in Alfred - feel free to point them out to me as well.
  18. David, thanks. Would it be possible for you to post an osascript that iterates through my address book and prints "name and email" like so: Bob Durke, bob@foo.com Bob Durke, bob2@moo.com Arjun RC arc@peace.org Shelly shz@nn.com I am not conversant with osascript at all. I tried And i think its outputting a hash, not sure how to traverse it. OnceI have that script, I plan to import it into perl and then search it and return it as alfred items and take it on from there
  19. Hi, I am looking to create a workflow that sort of works like the current "email" keyword, but allows me to send emails to multiple people, not just one person (like the email keyword currently does). However, I want it to resolve the addresses from my mac address book. Something like this: "multiemail Arjun" - right then, it should search my contacts bring up all options and let me select the right email, say via tab, then I can add "commas" and add more people. Finally hit enter and it passes all the names along with emails to my email client. Is this possible? How do I start? (Note I use lotus notes, not mail.app but its set as my default email client, so mailto: works with LN)
  20. Ah ok, I guess this is not supported - the multiple emails are only per contact - not multiple contacts. I'll post in the workflow section to get some tips
  21. Hi, Alfred seems to support sending emails to multiple email IDs. Right now, I am using lotus notes for mac. In alfred, if I type "email A" and hit enter, it works great and A is fed into my LN client. What I really want is email A, B, C. I enabled Features->Contacts->If multiple emails checkbox but I can't figure out how to pass multiple emails. I hit "cmd+a" for alfred, type in "email Bob" - it shows me the various Bobs in my address book, I select one entry by hitting tab and then when I add a comma it seems to go to google search. Am I doing something wrong?
  22. Yes David, that is correct. On the associative array, this file is actually editable - users are encouraged to add their own 'convenience' mappings to timezones. I could devise a mechanism where their inputs are appended to the array, given that its interpretive - in a around about way. thanks - just wanted to make sure I did not miss out any feature of alfred
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