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Everything posted by Dellu

  1. Can you make this file action please? I have no idea on how to modify these scripts
  2. I am having the same problem with this workflow. It is truncating some texts in my case
  3. Thank you for the explanation. I will try to refresh the pages. One more point: I was trying to automat the process using Keyboard Maestro; to snipe from the browsers to insert into nvALT via your workflow. After I typed the key word NEWF (that I made KM to do so), the Loading of the scripts seems to take a little longer. That made the outcome incosistent. I get my snippets effectively pasted only occasionally. Is it possible to make the Loading process faster? (probably by removing removing the rest of the scripts in the workflow, singling out only the "New Text from Clipboard" script) Cheers!
  4. This is amazing workflow. Thank you so much. I am having a little problem though. When I paste some content from Firefox and make the workflow creat a text note using the clipboard, the link is not correct. It seems to insert the link from prevous window, rather than the currently open window. If I clip a text from this blog for example, while I should ge the link to this blog (as http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/719-notes-with-new-text-file-with-tag-30-nvalt-direct-paste-and-now-with-new-file-in-finder/), the link I actually get is the google search window (https://www.google.no/search?q=workflow+nvalt+alfred&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a). What mistake did I make?
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