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Everything posted by Floating.Point

  1. Thank you guys, I feel less doofy now, it's such a pleasure whenever I have the great fortune to interact with regulars on this forum
  2. Oh dear dear me… this is 100% my bad, how embarrassing. You are of course right, and I am a giant doofus. (Once I'd found the article in the forum and returned to the troubleshooting page to look for it, I was searching for "index" with no luck)
  3. Howdy, Today I ran into an issue with Alfred failing to show one of my apps. Spoiler: my issue was fixed via 'Rebuild macOS Metadata'. The thing is, it took me a while to actually find this information. My issue wasn't covered by the in app troubleshooting steps, which was fine as the final step took me to the 'more troubleshooting guides…' page online. But this is where things got problematic. On this page, the only mention of indexing is a link to an article titled 'I'm encountering indexing issues in macOS 10.15 Catalina' and so I just skipped straight over that article because I am not on 10.15 Catalina. I ended up finding a post by @Vero in the forum linking to this article: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/ which is what I followed to solve my problem. But unless I am actually losing my mind (I did check multiple times), that article is not actually linked in the 'more troubleshooting guides…' page at https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/ So I just wanted to share my little journey because I thought it might be a good idea to add that link to the troubleshooting page. Cheers
  4. I'd become pretty reliant on this workflow, but it recently broke when I upgraded to Monterey. So I just hacked together a little macro to replicate the functionality. https://github.com/NeighNeighNeigh/Alfred-paste-path-into-dialog
  5. Hi Vitor, I just rebuilt my (fairly large) cache, and gdf seems to be working beautifully. I will use it throughout production tomorrow and let you know if I encounter any issues. Without this solution, I would need to roll back to Catalina. It's shocking (and kind of comical) how lost I felt doing file management in the Finder.
  6. I just updated to Monterey (from Catalina) so I'm brand new to this crippling Google Drive issue, so firstly thank you Vitor for saving the day! Wondering if it would be possible to modify the results to show directories first? Or even just filter the results to show directories only? I have thousands of files (eg rendered video frames) that share part of the name/s of their directory structure. Those files are populating the results before a directory can be found.
  7. Okay so I posted a walkthrough for getting this set up here. I also found Andrews post about Alfred's 'Press Secretary' – which as mentioned could be a cleaner way to do all this. But then I also submitted a feature request to allow numeric keypad numbers to optionally bypass the requisite modifier – because I think these quick modals really could be useful to a broader audience.
  8. My pleasure bossa, hope you have a nice day with Alfred today (I highly recommend taking a couple of days to really get to know Alfred, its borderline absurd how much time he can save you)
  9. You can do this very easily with Large Type. Check out this article as a starting point: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/outputs/large-type/ Then just feed it with one of these dynamic placeholders: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/advanced/placeholders/#date-time
  10. I've set up a pretty complex workaround to allow executing Alfred results via numeric keypad without a modifier. Wondering if you might consider enabling this as an option in Alfred?
  11. I have a system that launches Alfred into a modal menu and allows quick selecting items via numeric keypad (no command modifier required). This was made possible with a helpful AppleScript courtesy of Deanishe – thanks again! Everything needed to get up and running is in this GitHub repo.
  12. I use a bit of Dracula across my system and have a pretty gentle implementation in Alfred, thought I'd share. Download here. (Note, to match the below screenshot change the search text and results text to medium weight.)
  13. Okay no worries guys, I will gladly put together a bit of a walkthrough / explanation of how it works
  14. Im using Alfred to display a bunch of context sensitive modal menus. My Alfred mode remaps keypad numbers to include the command modifier, so I can execute Alfred list items with a single keystroke. I also temporarily remap some close-by keys to page down and page up so I can quickly move through any longer Alfred modals
  15. This is fantastic! I can't thank you enough. I needed to adjust this a bit, to make it suitable for my needs. I needed to trigger a workflow's external trigger (instead of just launching Alfred). So building on what I learned from yourself and Vitor about sending variables to AppleScript using ARGV, I was able to save this AppleScript as an executable, then call it from a shell script, feed variables into the trigger, workflow and argument fields… and I kind of knew what I was doing throughout this whole process. Now I have a lovely reusable little script where I can launch Alfred into a specific workflow, and have my system track whether I am in Alfred mode or not. Thank you so much for your really valuable help!
  16. Does anyone know if there's a way to have Alfred run a single specific script every time the Alfred window closes? So whenever a workflow finishes, or a file action is performed, or even just when Alfred has been cancelled – I want to send a little command, externally. The reason for this is I'm using Karabiner Elements to put my keyboard into a special "Alfred mode" whenever Alfred is invoked. I'm hoping to find a simple way to get out of this mode. At the moment I have these specific rules in Karabiner to try catch any keyboard / mouse event that could close the Alfred window, but it's getting out of hand. It would be much simpler if Alfred (or the system) could execute a script whenever the Alfred window closes. Does anyone have any thoughts?
  17. This is easy to do with the hotkey trigger. There's a tab called "related apps" where you can tell Alfred to only run this workflow pipeline if the hotkey is triggered in a certain app (or group of apps) Heres a quick demo showing you how to do this
  18. Okay, this is coming together for me now. Thank you Vitor and deanishe for your time and patience. This is the crux of what is tripping me up. I can't thank you enough Vitor for first understanding my flawed interpretation and then guiding me through to how things actually work. Thanks again guys, I am on the right path again now!
  19. Hi deanishe, Thank you so much for your wisdom here 😊 Before I move on to researching how to achieve the second part of your reply, would you mind staying with me for a moment - on the workflow variable? You mention that I shouldn't use quotation marks in a variable unless the value includes quotation marks… If this was a working line of AppleScript, sans variable: tell application "Adobe After Effects 2021" aren't those quote marks indeed part of the value if we use a variable instead? Here is a sketch of how I am understanding this, would you mind pointing out where I am wrong? Thank again, Nathan 😊
  20. Hi again, So I am still tripping over using variables in my Alfred + AppleScript workflows. I feel like I'm getting it right, while clearly I'm not there yet. If anyone could help me comprehend my shortfall, I would be very grateful – I would love to understand how to do this properly. My workflow is here And a screen capture showing where I am at:
  21. Vitor, thank you. I proceeded as you suggested and it got me closer, then I tried disabling escaping double quotes and it worked! Thank you for your time and expertise, its very kind of you.
  22. Hey guys, I am having a tricky time getting my query to properly pass through to some AppleScript inside Alfred. I am using "{query}" as my placeholder, but I must be missing something more. I made a brief 3 minute video showing how I got here, and have uploaded the workflow here. Would love a bit of guidance if anyone has the resources to take a look.
  23. Oh it does! that's where I am using it https://apps.apple.com/au/app/tampermonkey/id1482490089?mt=12
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