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Posts posted by BenjaminO

  1. Hello @Aadako and @pbnjamguy, many thanks for your feedbacks. I just fixed this bug in the v2.2.2. It seems that when I implemented the new connection methods in the v2.2.0, I forgot to include the logic when no accounts.json was not found (happening on a fresh start). Please let me know if it is working on your side.


    Link yo the new version : https://github.com/BenjaminOddou/alfred-plex/releases/tag/v2.2.2 (it should be updated soon in the Alfred Gallery)

  2. Hello folks,


    I remarked that from this documentation, it is not mentioned whether mods can alter the 'title' property or not (https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/script-filter/json).



    The mod element gives you control over how the modifier keys react. It can alter the looks of a result (e.g. subtitle, icon) and output a different arg or session variables.


    Is this intentional ? It would make more sense to have the possibility to modify it IMHO.

  3. Hello @vitor,


    unfortunately, it seems that maintainers have abandoned the idea of integrating dashlane-cli in homebrew core for now.



    For now I have abandoned the idea because their CI is very crappy and they don't want to fix it. I'll probably provide a tap in this repo/org later. 

     See here : https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/124525


    They provided a tap to install dashlane cli binary with xcode https://github.com/Dashlane/homebrew-tap. Can this be used in the alfred gallery ?


    brew tap dashlane/tap
    brew install dashlane-cli


    Many thanks in advance !

  4. This workflow I created allows you to search emojis very rapidly in 19 languages ! It has a lot of features including emojipedia links (in language selected by the user) and custom tags to search emojis with your own keywords !


    The workflow is light and only requires python to work. Read the documentation and try it out. Don't hesitate to share feedbacks and to report bugs.


    Here is the GitHub repo : https://github.com/BenjaminOddou/alfred-emoji-wine


    Enjoy !



  5. Hello, I remarked that there is some limitations for the markdown syntax in this user panel README section.


    Example 1: closing parenthesis next to a markdown link in the user panel README is not displayed.




    Example 2: Fenced Code Blocks and Syntax Highlighting are not available :




    Other examples:

    1. There is no Blockquotes (>) or nested quotes (>>).
    2. There is no horizontal rules with asterisks (***), dashes (---), or underscores (___).
    3. There is no tables
    4. etc.


  6. Hey Vitor ! Thank you very much for the feedback ! To respond to your suggestions :

    12 hours ago, vitor said:

    When managing presets it might be nice to reopen the same window after doing an action. That would allow to, for example, delete all the default ones in a row or quickly add a bunch. Though I get that adding new presets won’t happen all the time so it’s not a big deal, just something I noticed while testing.

    It has some tradeoffs so I'll let it like that for now. But maybe I can delete one example of preset to facilitate their suppression.


    12 hours ago, vitor said:

    When making a preset, if we don’t add a subtitle it will show up as undefined. Might be better to just not add it or make it “No description” which at least looks intentional.

    Indeed ! This will be updated to show "No description" instead of "undefined".


    12 hours ago, vitor said:

    If a WebP image with the same name exists in the same folder, it is overwritten. It’s your choice if a naming conflict overwrites, or if it gives an error, or names the image differently. Just wanted to make sure you’re aware.

    I am aware of this behavior. I didn't change it yet because I was not sure what was the best strategy to address that. I will probably add a dropdown list that will let user choose if he/she prefers to overwrites/gives error/or name images differently as you suggested. I'll need some time to do it properly. BTW, if anyone wants to contribute, don't hesitate to submit a pull request in the github repo https://github.com/BenjaminOddou/alfred-smart-webp-compression/pulls .


    13 hours ago, vitor said:

    It wasn’t clear from the workflow alone what “Depth of the search” does. Calling it “search” might be confusing since it seems related to the File Filter part. Might be worth extending the note to make it clear it pertains to folder conversions, either in the the config itself or the About. Personally I might do without the option entirely, but it’s up to you, you probably have a reason for the choice.

    I am actually using it quite a lot. It allows to compress images in nested folders. I'll update the description in the user configuration panel


    13 hours ago, vitor said:

    I’m not sure it’s worth it to make the data folder configurable. I wonder if anyone will change that. Might be more useful to e.g. provide a keyword to open it fast. Unless you yourself set it to something custom, I see from your workflows that you do like having logs!

    I set it up to a custom folder myself as I am checking logs manually sometimes. Indeed I like knowing what's going on and sometimes want to check details of cwebp ouput


    Thank you again for your time and your work !

    Have a nice week-end !

  7. Hello @vitor, with the release v1.1.0, I updated the installation script to use homebrew formula installation with a ruby script (it's not perfect but I think it's better than downloading binary directly) ->https://github.com/BenjaminOddou/alfred-dashlane/blob/main/src/dashlane-cli.rb

    This script is embed with the workflow and is used to install the dashlane cli binary based on the user system (it should work on arm64). The dashlane cli project is still "experimental" but it's updated regularly.

    Do you have some insight for me to know what could be improved in order for this workflow to be accepted in the gallery ? Many thanks in advance

  8. Hello folks !


    I am super happy to share with you my last project. This workflow allows you to search your media on plex using the API and perform actions on servers. If you want to know more, go to the Github repo https://github.com/BenjaminOddou/alfred-plex

    List of dependencies : Python 3.6 and optionally VLC


    Don't hesitate to share your feedbacks and thoughts 🙂


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