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Jono last won the day on January 6 2016

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  1. I've used Karabiner Elements in the past, as well as BTT but for some reason the Hyper Key was always buggy (hit and miss) with them. Just tried this and it works a charm, thanks!
  2. I don't have folders set to be shown in default search results, but they still show up. I have 3 Macs running the latest Alfred 4.5 beta and 1 Mac running 4.3.4, and I get the same thing across all of the Macs. Is there something I can do to stop this? ๐Ÿค”
  3. Yeah, it wouldn't be too difficult to 'fill in the gaps' where SF Symbols don't cover every existing Alfred icon.
  4. Yeah, Iโ€™ve never liked these. They donโ€™t look too โ€˜Mac likeโ€™, and theyโ€™re also looking dated. I think it would look much better if they used the SF Symbol icons. They would already cover most of what Alfred needs, and look more in keeping with Big Sur.
  5. Thanks, I realise that. I currently have it set to only show subtext for the selected result. I find it useful for folders as I sometimes have folders named exactly the same (or very similar), but as I said previously I don't really need to see the full path to apps, or their extension ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. For applications it currently shows the path (and .app extension) in Alfred results I never need (or want) to display this. How about an option to just show it's an app? And also, seeing as horizontal space is at a premium, display it to the right (similar to Spotlight) rather than underneath?
  7. I control a few things in Home Assistant via Alfred. All I did was to create some webhooks in Home Assistant, then use scripts in Alfred to call those webhooks ๐Ÿ‘
  8. Actually, it would be great if there was just an option to show the bookmark icon of your default browser, like it does in Spotlight ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. No, not totally broken. It works but even though I replaced the icons it still showed the old ones. I guess I need to dig a little deeper to make sure I 'got 'em all'! That would be SOOoo much better! Pretty please @Andrew! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  10. โ€ฆso a year later and the Safari Assistant workflow doesn't work for me anymore ๐Ÿ™ I don't suppose anything's changed in Alfred that allows changing the default bookmark icon, is there? ๐Ÿค”
  11. I'm wondering if what I'm wanting to achieve is possible ๐Ÿค” Here's my current theme I was wanting to make the horizontal line at the top (just under the search field) a different opacity to all the others below it, and also full width like Spotlight. Is that possible? โ€ฆalso, the background colour for the selected text seems pretty high at the top. Is there any way to reduce that? ๐Ÿ™‚
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