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Posts posted by Carlos-Sz

  1. First of all, thank you for putting all this effort into this workflow. It seems to be just what I'm after. 


    I'm on the Yosemite public beta 2, and I'm very eager to try this workflow, but nothing happens when I try to rename anything.


    I do:

    ren (.*)@00_#[1].pdf

    The preview is totally fine, but when I try to apply the change, nothing happens.


    I get the following debug:

    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.action.script] Code 1: 0:59: execution error: System Events got an error: Can’t get property list file "/Users/knut/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.sztoltz.regexrenamer/settings.plist" of application "System Events". (-1728)

    Would this be an easy fix?


    -- KnutFH


    I don’t have Yosemite installed yet but all problems reported so far are basically related to the settings.plist file. It seems it is not being created under Yosemite.


    Can you please try to add Alfred and AppleScript Editor to Accessibility / Privacy list in Preferences Security & Privacy?


    Thank you.


    PS: as soon as Yosemite is available I’ll update my working Mac and check all the issues.

  2. ...

    This also provides a better preview (pressing shift) as opposed to the Evernote workflow, however it could be better...  



    The workflow supports the card preview (Evernote default) as well as HTML preview as an option (if you’d like to see the note content).

  3. I'm getting an error in Alfred's console when searching:


    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 0:90: execution error: System Events got an error: Can’t get property list file "/Users/Elad/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.sztoltz.evernote/settings.plist" of application "System Events". (-1728)

    File is indeed not there. Tried to remove and reinstall workflow.


    Using Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite, Alfred 2.4 (279) and Evernote 5.5.1.












    I don’t have Yosemite installed yet.


    I’ll update all my workflows when Yosemite is released.


    Thank you for your feedback.

  4. I'm having problems with version 4 on Yosemite. I'm getting the following –


    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 0:50: execution error: System Events got an error: Can’t get property list file "/Users/Jayphen/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.sztoltz.recentitems/settings.plist" of application "System Events". (-1728)


    I don’t have Yosemite installed yet but as soon as possible I’ll update all my workflows.


    Thank you for your feedback.


    PS: you can try to move the plist file ("/Users/Jayphen/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.sztoltz.recentitems/settings.plist”) to a temporary location then try the workflow again.

  5. Do you have both of the things in the screenshot setup above? i.e. Show Subtext for alternative actions (which will show subtext for any modified connection), then setup a default mod key to show default subtext in the same context?


    I tried with or without the both new settings. Same result.


    I have also tried David’s Favorite workflow and modifiers of the “faves” keyword are not shown either.


    Just a quick note, I'm adding in some alfred_ shell environment variables into 2.4 which will let you know info about the theme to save you having to load it from the prefs. I've also clarified the subtext settings.


    Great. Thank you.

  6. It's unlikely that this will happen, but I have a note regarding the light / dark icons thing to consider in the future of Alfred.


    No problem Andrew.


    By the way, the "Show result subtext for alternative (modifier) actions when subtext is hidden. Option available in Appearance preferences” is not working.


    When I show Alfred and type the keyword enn (from Evernote workflow) none of the modifiers subtext is displayed: nothing happens e.g. if I press option key the "Append to a note with date” is not displayed.

  7. Great workflow!

    One idea I had: how difficult would it be to integrate with an app like marked so that you could write markdown in your editor and have it paste back as formatted rich text? That would be a killer feature.


    I thought about it but for such task the workflow would need a third party tool (maybe Pandoc) but installing extra packages is something I try not to do in my workflows. At least not for now.


    Right now the workflow can paste the text as it is or convert markdown to BBCode (forum code).

  8. Wonderful workflow. I prefer that it won’t jump to the end of line after pasting the edited text back because I’ll lost track of where my previous paragraph position. I removed that particular line in ew_paste.scpt but I think it’s better to make it as a default behavior.


    I think the move to end of line was an user suggestion that I use most of the time.


    Anyway, I may add an option for that.


    Thank you for your feedback.

  9. This is more of an Evernote application question, so I was hesitant to ask here, but I thought if anyone Carlos-Ss would know.


    When opening a note in a separate window is there a way to make the window always display on top of the others?


    This seems like a simple thing which makes me think I haven't searched enough, or I'm just missing something. Most of the search results talk about making a note within Evernote filter to the top, not about making a note window stick atop other windows.


    As far as I know Evernote does not have this feature. But it would be useful indeed.

  10. Deleted Alfred 2 and workflow. Installed Alfred 2 with power pack. Restarted Evernote and installed the workflow 8.86 again.


    Step by step

    -Mark up a message in mail

    -Write ENN

    -Move to "New note from Message Selected in Mail"

    -Hold cmd and hit Enter

    -Move to the note, hit enter

    -Error message turns up " Evernote, Cant append message"


    Hope this could help to solve my problem.


    Right now it is not possible to append a message (its file).


    I’ll see if I can do something about it.


    Thank you for your feedback.

  11. Hi Carlos,


    Regarding the reminder, I have used ens to look for notes and alt+enter to set up reminder. However, it seems that it only adds a reminder date to the note which is fine searching with enr .





    I need to press the alarm icon to truly trigger the reminder which then display the reminder in the reminder list as shown in the last image.








    Is it just me or unsolved at the moment?


    Anyway, thanks for the great work!


    This is an Evernote bug. I have already reported the issue.



    Use Evernote from evernote.com.


    Did uninstall evernote from MAS and new install from evernote.com

    Just want to mention that create and open messages and files works fine and it is just append that not works for me.
    Hope you can help me and thanks for a great workflow.



    It is working here.


    Can you please give me a step by step so I can try to reproduce the issue?


    In addition, try to delete the workflow, restart Evernote, download and install the workflow again.


    Thank you.

  12. This is looking really good so far.


    Quick question though: do you know how to remove an entry from the results? In my specific example, Alfred wants to show Printers & Scanners. And it's a tiny bit annoying.




    Any help is appreciated!


    Edit: Sorry for the huge screenshot!



    I think that after a space after the keyword ps the printer preference will be removed from the list.


    Anyway, you can remove OSX preferences from Alfred altogether: Alfred Preferences > Features > Default Results


    Carlos-Sz — I have a feature request (whose difficulty will depend on the implementation of the workflow). A Hotkey trigger to add a link as unread. Now, this is certainly doable in its current incarnation, but it is slow. When I add a bookmark as unread, usually I want to add it and close the tab I’m on, as fast as possible. For this reason, in PinAdd, the section that takes care of this action has its own logic implemented (in the sense that it specifically calls only the needed parts to be as fast as possible).

    It can be summarised in three steps:

    • Get the browser’s frontmost tab’s url and title.
    • Show a notification saying the bookmark was successfully added.
    • Send the API request to add it.

    Notice how the notification itself is shown as soon as possible as a way of informing “you may close the tab now” (it’s irrelevant to the user if the request is already complete or not, specially since I catch possible errors). Having a specific logic for this action also makes it blazing fast — I can pretty much press the hotkey and close the tab. With yours, however, it takes a while to show the notification (and since I want to close the tab right away, that extra second really drags on), and if I close it too soon, it adds the wrong one (the tab “behind it”, which is now the frontmost one).

    I hope the request makes sense, and that you consider adding it.



    I got the idea but if something goes wrong then the notification will be misleading unless I kind of copy some of your ideas and cache errors. :)


    No worries! I was just curious if there was a known way to do so that I was missing. I hope they add something like that.


    Regardless, it took me a few days, but I'm currently using your workflow exclusively for navigating and adding Pinboard links on my Mac. Thanks a million for that! :)


    If there would be one suggestion, it would be to slightly tweak the way of adding the description from highlighted text:


    I'd recommend that — instead of having to type brackets, which are somewhat challenging to hit accurately all the time (I accidentally hit 'p' quite a bit, particularly in the dark, and especially when trying to do it as quick as possible with Alfred to maximize time saved) — you type two single quote marks ('') instead. It's faster to type (at least in my opinion), it's immediately accessible to the right of your pinky finger, it's less movement of your fingers, it makes sense logically, as you are, in some respect, 'quoting' the content you selected on the page, and it's not something you'd accidentally type.


    Or, if you wanted to get even faster, use the backtick key ( ` )to the left of the "1", which, as I have just learned via Wikipedia, represents substitution in programming terms. Makes sense!


    Edit: Only issue with the backtick key is that it's close to escape, and it's also a bit of a challenge to find if you're in a hurry and not used to hitting it (which I am not). Given that, I'd stick to recommending the single quotes key.


    And, again, awesome work! :)


    I’ll see what I can do about it.


    Right now I’m thinking in a way to automate the process: if there is a selected text then the description will be added. No need to type anything in Alfred.

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