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Posts posted by Carlos-Sz




    I'm trying to use your workflow, but it doesn't work. In Alfred's debug windows i got the following error :


    Starting debug for 'Evernote'
    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 0:90: execution error: System Events got an error: Can’t get «class plif» "/Users/Ludo/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.sztoltz.evernote/settings.plist" of application "System Events". (-1728)
    Thanks for your help.



    Please, make sure you are using Alfred 2.3 (262) and Evernote from evernote.com.


    This Alfred version is required and it is available as a pre-release (not an update).


    Here is a link to the previous version if you need it: 8.0 final.


    Anyway, I’ll also make some tests to see if I can reproduce the error.

  2. Overview

    TOC Workflow creates, updates and removes a markdown table of contents that can be useful when writing a more complex document. It should work fine when exported to a html document.

    Note that, due a bug/limitation of current OSX PDF print function, TOC will not work in a PDF saved/converted by most of writing applications.

    How to Use

    Create a TOC

    • open your markdown editor and type your text
    • when you finish it show Alfred and type the keyword toc
    • press Return key
    • the workflow will select the text, copy it, add the TOC and anchor, then paste the text back
    You can also set a hotkey to create a TOC.

    Update a TOC

    If you have edited the text after inserting the TOC then just run the keyword toc again and the workflow will create an updated TOC.

    Remove a TOC

    The workflow can also remove the TOC and anchors for good. It can be handy if you e.g. want to work with a cleaner text, without TOC and anchors.

    To remove show Alfred, type the keyword toc, hold Command key then press Return key.

    You can also set a hotkey to remove it.


    Type your markdown text as always and don't you worry about TOC:


    Show Alfred, type the keyword toc then press return key (or use the hotkey) to create a TOC and the anchors:


    Preview the document to see the TOC:



    Before using the workflow for good make some tests and backup your texts first.

  3. Evernote 8.6 is out

    • Release date: 30 Apr 2014
    • Made in OS X 10.9.2
    • Requires Evernote 5.5 from evernote.com
    • Requires Alfred 2.3 or later
    • Download now

    What's new?

    • Improved reminder time support e.g. Tomorrow at 2:00
    • Added support for tags that start with a hash sign e.g. #Home
    • Added support for tags that start with an at sign e.g. @Work
    • Added support for notebooks that start with an at sign e.g. @Notes
    • Workflow should be faster in most of cases
    • When appending from a search result now you can hold Option key to include current date
    • Type a Note supports multiple lines (first line will be the title) e.g. enn Line 1 /n Line 2
    • New Keyword enl and its hotkey to load the last search query
    • Added support for some of Alfred 2.3 new features

    Thank you all for the great feedback!

  4. I have updated the code to support public bookmarks and tag-only searches, as well as support for Chromium browser.

    I just need to get my hands on a 64-bit Mac so I can update the workflow accordingly. (my laptop is from 2008)

    So just hang-in there :)

    Regarding auto-refresh, I am not sure how to implement it without sacrificing the "snappiness" of searching and/or posting bookmarks.


    Great. I need an option to create a public bookmark to make my IFTTT receipt work in order to refresh the workflow in the background utilizing the new Alfred 2.3 external trigger:




    In resume, when a new public bookmark is made a new text file is created in a Dropbox folder. Then Hazel detects it and calls the external trigger of the workflow.

  5. This worked perfectly!  Please include it going forward.  I'm sorry I didn't see your post until now.  You are super responsive, it turns out (and I failed to set up notifications for this thread)!


    I note in a download link you put out for someone later in this thread that it doesn't include the above allowance for tags like #@Work, so hopefully it's not a big deal to get what you linked to me above in the permanent branch.

    I’m finishing a new version that should be ready next week. It will include tags and notebooks starting with @ or #. :)

  6. Awesome workflow. What about adding the Downloads folder as a default?

    I like the idea. I’ll add it when I update the workflow.


    I'm going to echo gsmth00 and ask about custom categories. I would like to see PDFs as its own category (I know this is in documents, but I'd rather search PDFs and other types of documents separately). Is this a relatively easy thing to modify?

    It is not simple to add this level of customization but I’ll think about it and if I find a way I’ll let you know.

    Thank you for your feedback.

  7. I use this workflow every day, multiple times a day. It has revolutionized the way I use Evernote. Thank you.


    I have one feature request: partial match of at least ent, maybe ens if it makes sense. For example, if I am looking for the note called "Media Times", "ent me" returns a blank list. I have to type all the way to "ent media" before I get results.


    Thanks again.


    You have two options:


    1) type a wildcard e.g. ent me*


    Or set the workflow to use the wildcard by default. Show Alfred and type the keyword enpref to run the workflow preferences then in step 2 select Automatic:





    Thanks for the quick reply!  I think that is a great idea. Is it possible to use a shorter "delimiter" for a new line? Typing one character instead of three might be quicker. Something like:


    enn Shopping List | Milk | Eggs | Apples @Notebook #Tag1 #Tag2 !Reminder


    Would something like that work?




    Maybe then a two characters delimiter to the users can use “|” if need it. Here’s something that is fast to type:


    enn @Notebook #Tag1 #Tag2 !Reminder : Shopping List /n Milk /n Eggs


    The new approach will follow the main Syntax only adding a way to enter a return character.

  8. Hi Carlos,


    Great work and very usable workflow. Quick newbie syntax question that I can't seem to figure out.  How do I type a new note directly into alfred AND have a separate title for the note. It seems everything I try duplicates the note in the title of the note. That makes for really long titles.  What am I missing?


    Thanks in advance!




    Thank you Ed.


    Right now the note content will also be the note title.


    I’m still thinking about an improved way to type note directly from Alfred window. One way would be to create a new line sign (e.g. /nf) this way the workflow would take the first line as the title and format properly into Evernote. Example:


    enn Shopping List /nf Milk /nf Eggs /nf Apples


    The above command would appear in Evernote this way:


    Note Title:

    Shopping List

    Note Content:





    The advantage of this approach is not only a possible custom title but also create multiple lines notes.


    What do you think? Too complicate or it would be nice to have such alternative?

  9. I got  "blocked" in the notification center when I use this workflow...  any ideas?




    Unfortunately glo.li service is not available anymore.


    I can’t update the workflow right now but you can edit both zip_zipdropbox.scpt and zip_alf_zipdropbox.scpt files:



    	set tshell to "curl  http://www.glo.li/toolbarshort.php?url=" & theURL & " | textutil -stdin -stdout -convert txt "
    	set theglowurl to (do shell script tshell)
    	set endchar to (offset of return in theglowurl) - 1
    	set theRes to text 1 thru endchar of theglowurl
    	return theRes
    on error
    	return theURL
    end try


    return theURL
  10. ...

    The same principal applies to workflow objects. When working with a script object, I manually deselect every escaping choice except 'Double quotes' and 'Backslashes'. It would be great if Alfred remembered what options I picked last time and defaulted to those for every new object until I made another change.


    It's a small enhancement, but if you make a lot of workflows, it could save you a lot of time. :)


    This. I only use AppleScript so there are a lot of selecting going on before start the workflow. :)

  11. ...


    Unfurtunatelly (but happily) what you are writing is slightly wrong Carlos. ;) Workflow shortcut will work not only outside Alfred (in Finder, PathFinder, Forklift, open file dialogue windows, etc.) but also inside Alfred window which is when normally searching files (using "spacebar+search phrase" by default) or in Alfred-File-Browser. I am using this ability very often so I am 100% sure about this. :)


    I got it working. I was selecting a file in Alfred (which leads to file action) and not only highlighting it. I was not aware that it was possible anyway. :)

  12. If you are in Alfred I'm afraid you have to use file action.

    However, I think you have to suggest such feature: hotkey+Alfred selection like hotkey+OSX selection that we already have.

    Well, that misses the whole point of simplicity and speed. isn't there a way to hit the hotkeys without leaving Alfred?

    thanks for the fast reply, by the way.

  13.  I am constantly using this workflow as File action and I love it.   But, for some reason, the hotkey is not working for me. Did I missed sth? What I am doing  is

    1. search a file in Afred

    2. select the file and inside Alfred itself and

    3. hit the hotkey (CTR+Shit+CMD, in my case) without leaving Afred. 

    But, the file name is not being copied. 


    The hotkey was made to be used outside Alfred:


    1. Select file(s) in Finder

    2. Hit the hotkey


    Now you should see a notification and the filenames will be ready to be pasted.

  14. Useful, thanks :)


    Thank you.


    Is there a way for this to list hidden directories as well?


    It is possible and I’ll add the feature somehow.


    For now you can change a line of the h_filter.scpt to list folders.


    Look for this line of code: 

    set lst_Files to paragraphs of (do shell script "find " & (quoted form of POSIX path of (sDest)) & " -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '.*'")

    Replace the line above for this:

    set lst_Files to paragraphs of (do shell script "find " & (quoted form of POSIX path of (sDest)) & " -maxdepth 1 -name '.*'")
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