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  1. Figured it out. When I installed Alfred on the second Mac, the default shortcut for Snippets is Command + O, but that is the command I use on my other Mac for the Clipboard Viewer. The shortcut over-rode the other one, but since I use the Clipboard Viewer for Snippets as well, it meant that it appeared that the changes I made to the Clipboard Viewer had no effect, when really I was just triggering the Snippet view instead. Make sense? Maybe not. Anyway, fixed!
  2. Recently my Alfred instances have stopped remembering the clipboard history. I've followed all of the troubleshooting steps, and verified that Alfred has full access to everything, as well as re-installing, but still no joy. This happened recently after I set up Alfred on another laptop, with my settings synched, but I can't figure out what the issue would be. It's driving me bananas. Any ideas?
  3. No joy with the error console, and I use Karabiner Elements to map the Hyper Key to my caps lock, but even with that disabled it doesn't work.
  4. Hiya! I've developed an issue with searching for files. When I find a file I want in Alfred, and hit the corresponding key (option in my case) to show the 'Reveal in Finder' option, nothing happens when I hit the Return key. Before, it would open in the Finder. I can't work out what has changed... or if there's a flag I am missing. My Return key works fine otherwise in OSX, and I am using the latest version of Alfred. Any suggestions? :)
  5. Thanks! I've updated the workflow in GitHub to reflect these changes. Apologies for the delay.
  6. Hey, Got a similar question here - https://github.com/clickysteve/alfred-remote-workflows/issues/1 Hit Remote at the top of Alfred Click on the + icon in the bottom left Select Workflows Select VLC Remote Control Select VLC That will add in the Remote page for you to use in the iOS App.
  7. Flux Remote Control I've been watching lots of films and making use of the Alfred Remote features lately, and thought it would be handy to be able to control f.lux remotely as well. Github: https://github.com/clickysteve/alfred-remote-workflows/tree/master/Flux%20Control%20(plus%20remote) Packal: http://www.packal.org/workflow/flux-control-plus-remote Features: Trigger preferences Quit Flux Trigger Movie Mode Trigger Darkroom Mode Disable Flux for 1 hour Disable Flux till sunrise Disable Flux for current app Works with Flux 34.0 Includes a general workflow to control Flux as well, though I realised after searching Packal afterwards this has already been done - so the remote part will be of most use. Screenshot:
  8. You want to use 'key code' rather than keystroke for those sort of things. on alfred_script() tell application "System Events" key code 125 end tell end alfred_script The key code 125 is for the down arrow. You'll need to add in 'using {shift down}' or similar to add in that operator.
  9. Flickr Theatre Remote Control I use Flickr a lot, and often browse through hundreds of pictures at a time. I thought it would be cool to have a remote control, so I could stick it on the big screen, sit back, and flick through images. So here we are... Features: Browse left/right Zoom picture View picture in lightbox Favourite picture You obviously require a Flickr account logged in for this to work. Hopefully in future I can develop it a bit further, depending on how Alfred Remote moves. If we got a keyboard that would mean we could do all sorts of things like comment on pictures/add to albums etc. Watch this space... Download: Github URL: https://github.com/clickysteve/alfred-remote-workflows/tree/master/Flickr%20Theatre%20-%20Remote%20Control Packal: http://www.packal.org/workflow/flickr-theatre-remote-control Screenshot:
  10. Thanks! I'm a bit of a n00b, so exploring what can be done. This means I don't need to get off the couch when watching films
  11. Alfred VLC Remote Control Created a basic workflow to control VLC using Alfred Remote. On Packal here: http://www.packal.org/workflow/vlc-remote-control Features: * Activate VLC * Toggle fullscreen mode * Turn Volume Up/Down * Toggle subtitles * Increase/decrease audio delay for lip synching issues * Play/Pause -- A bit rough and ready, but looking to develop it further.
  12. Here's my Applescript for volume up: on alfred_script() do shell script "afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Pop.aiff" set vol to output volume of (get volume settings) if vol > 90 then # 100 max set volume output volume 100 else set volume output volume (vol + 10) end if end alfred_script and for volume down: on alfred_script() do shell script "afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Pop.aiff" set vol to output volume of (get volume settings) if vol < 10 then # 0 is min set volume output volume 0 else set volume output volume (vol - 10) end if end alfred_script Borrowed the clip sound from a thread somewhere on the web (that I can't find just now) to get some sort of feedback that things have happened.
  13. You should be able to do this by getting Remote to send the key combination using AppleScript. Something like: on alfred_script() tell application "VLC" activate tell application "System Events" to keystroke "f" using command down end tell end alfred_script Which tells the Mac to the Command + F combination to put a video into fullscreen.
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