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Documentation and instructions on workflows

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I just finished reading a great how-to article @ http://www.deanishe.net/alfred-mailto/.  It was an exhaustive treatise on every little detail about that workflow (Mail To: workflow).  We should have this sort of documentation downloaded with every Alfred workflow!  ?

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While my accolades on your treatise of this workflow stands, I have to tell you, I went through all of your suggestions on how to enter my email address to set up an email using this workflow, nothing I put into the search box was liked by Alfred.  I used              "  "          ,           <    >          ,              @

Alfred did not like any of them!


So, while I still say that you did an excellent job of describing how to use the workflow back when you wrote the help page on this workflow, I venture to say that maybe some things have changed since then because the information does not work for me.


Have the formatting rules changed perhaps since you wrote that help page?

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6 minutes ago, PAUL R FONTENOT said:

I went through all of your suggestions on how to enter my email address


You don't enter your email address. You enter the address of the people you want to write to. The first line of the help is "Quickly select recipients from your Mac’s Contacts database" (emphasis mine).


8 minutes ago, PAUL R FONTENOT said:

I venture to say that maybe some things have changed since then because the information does not work for me.


No, nothing has changed. You haven't understood the workflow and/or the documentation.


Also, please don't create a new thread if you have a question regarding a specific workflow. Ask in the workflow's thread instead. That can generally be found by using the search, but in this case the thread is linked from the documentation you're talking about.



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