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mishandling of x-devonthink-item:// URLs [Fixed 4.0.2 b1085]


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Alfred is great for opening URLs, and it does fine with custom schemes, except for DEVONthink's.


When I try to open a URL which begins "x-devonthink-item://" Alfred doesn't recognize that it is a URL, and does a google search for the URL instead of just opening it.


I know that the x-devonthink-item scheme is registered in Launch Services, and it works everywhere else in my system (Terminal, rtf hyperlinks, etc) so I think the problem is with Alfred.

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Some brief testing suggests that Alfred doesn't care about what's in Launch Services but doesn't recognize schemes with hyphens in them. If I type asdf:// Alfred treats it like a URL to open but if I type as-df:// it treats it like an arbitrary query

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Andrew changed the title to mishandling of x-devonthink-item:// URLs [Fixed 4.0.2 b1085]

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