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Workflow for ejecting external drive

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I have an external drive that I only use for an app-specific task (recording audio).

The drive is located in a semi-incovenient place so I sometimes forget to unplug it when I'm done.

Is there a workflow I can create to eject the external disc when I close the app?


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Connect a Keyword (or whatever trigger you prefer) to a Run Script Action with Language set to /bin/bash. Set the code to:

open --wait-apps -a 'APP'
diskutil eject '/Volumes/DISK'

Replace APP with your app’s name (e.g. Safari) and DISK with your drive’s name. If you don’t know the drive’s name, open a terminal and run ls /Volumes with it connected.

You still need to run the Workflow for it to eject the drive after the app closes, but it doesn’t matter if the app was open at the time or not.

On a tangential note, when asking for help, it helps us help you if you’re as specific as possible. For example, instead of saying “I have an app”, tell us what the app is. More often than not, those details matter.

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1 minute ago, vitor said:


On a tangential note, when asking for help, it helps us help you if you’re as specific as possible. For example, instead of saying “I have an app”, tell us what the app is. More often than not, those details matter.

Thank you Vitor.  Apologies for not being specific.  Don't know if it matters at this point but the app is Reaper (Cockos).  It's a DAW for music and audio.

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  • vitor changed the title to [SOLVED] Workflow for ejecting external drive
  • 4 months later...

Been using this workflow since @vitor provided it but now it's launching the app a SECOND time when I use this workflow.

For instance, I'll already have a workflow that I use to open some sites and apps which include Reaper (DAW).


main workflow


That workflow will launch everything just fine. I'll do my work and midway through I will do the 'Eject Disk' Workflow, seen here:

Eject Workflow


But when I do the 'Eject' workflow it will launch 'Reaper' again and I'll have 2 windows for Reaper open.


Any idea what went wrong here?



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  • 10 months later...
On 6/11/2019 at 9:01 AM, vitor said:

Connect a Keyword (or whatever trigger you prefer) to a Run Script Action with Language set to /bin/bash. Set the code to:

open --wait-apps -a 'APP'
diskutil eject '/Volumes/DISK'


Replace APP with your app’s name (e.g. Safari) and DISK with your drive’s name. If you don’t know the drive’s name, open a terminal and run ls /Volumes with it connected.


So I need to close 2 external hard drives with this.  Can I just add "eject 'Volumes/DISK2?"

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1 hour ago, lazermoose said:

I posted about needing to eject an external hard drive here but it has been marked 'solved' but I need to eject MORE THAN 1 external drive now


Then unmark it solved? At any rate, please don't create another thread. That one isn't locked.


I'm merging this thread with that one.

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  • deanishe changed the title to Workflow for ejecting external drive

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