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Quickly turn on/off Night Shift or set it to a custom value between 0 - 100.



  1. To download, visit the latest release at GitHub.
  2. All further updates are handled automatically.



Quickly turn on/off Night Shift or set it to a value between 0-100. No more fiddling with deep settings when you either want to save your eyes or need to work with accurate colors!

In Alfred, type night followed by either off, on or a number between 0 - 100.




The workflow makes use of the following:

  1. nshift by leberwurstsaft as the backend for setting the values.
  2. OneUpdater by vitorgalvao for handling automatic updates.
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  • 3 months later...
22 hours ago, deanishe said:

Catalina will show a scary warning about any binary that isn't signed by an Apple Developer account.


If the binary has a quarantine flag. Which is why the binaries we build ourselves don’t show the warning. And the flag needs to be specifically added, which web browsers and other apps who download do. Not curl, so if you download from the command line, no quarantine.

When something is quarantined, you can remove the flag with xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /path/to/binary which stops macOS from showing those messages.

However, while I can say that’s the case for regular quarantine checks, I’m unsure if that’s also the case for notarisation: i.e., if you’re on a macOS version that complains about non-notarised software, I don’t yet know if removing the quarantine flag will also get rid of those messages.

So you may or may not be able to get rid of the message by telling the script part of the Workflow to remove the flag. I’ve thought of that as a way to remove warnings from my own Workflows (the Notificator part) but because I’m still on Mojave, I can’t test.

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15 minutes ago, shmulvad said:

I've added the code to remove the quarantine flag as suggested by @vitor. However, before I did this, I didn't seem to get the warning myself when I deleted the binary and then added it as a new freshly downloaded one. So I'm not sure whether or not this fixes it.


The scary Gatekeeper/Catalina warning ("might contain malware") is shown for unsigned/unnotarised binaries. It uses checksums, so downloading a binary you compiled yourself (or identical to one you compiled yourself) won't trigger a warning because it's already whitelisted.

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  • 6 months later...

Thank you for putting this together. Is there a way to adapt, or use, this workflow so that there is a toggle between on and off? I've added a keyboard Hotkey (F5) to the on command, but it would nice if the same Hotkey could be used to turn NightShift off as well. And if this could bypass the Alfred input text box as well, so much the better. Thanks again!

After hitting Hotkey to initiate NightShift on command.png

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  • 9 months later...

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