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Search Emoji codes

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These codes are used on Campfire, Github, etc. The list can be found here http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/ ! :)


Thank you for this workflow, it could be useful !


Exactly. I built this workflow for pasting the codes in the websites listed in http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/.



Ok... but what can you do with the code? Would it not be better to have the actual emoji copied to the clipboard, so it can be pasted where you want? Or perhaps actioning the item pastes it into the frontmost app.


I intend to add support for copying the actual emoji, stay tuned. :wink:

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Hi! Thank you for this workflow! I have noticed that not all emojis can be copied as actual emoji. Among these are the "Doom" emojis, but also more traditional ones such as the :metal: one.


Any chance that you can look into this?


Thank you again!

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