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Open the Snippets Preferences Window by a Shortcut

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Beside using the default functionality of Alfred the Snippets is what I use most. In order to add snippets as quickly as possible I would love to have a shortcut to open that Alfred preferences window and directly jump to the Snippets. This would make it very easy to add a new snippets lowering the barrier to add new snippets.

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I can get you only part of the way… If you connect a hotkey action to an open URL action and use the URL alfredpreferences://navigateto/features you can open Alfred's Preferences at the Features page—and, of course, if Snippets was the last section you used on that page it should be highlighted.


I'm not aware of a URL that would otherwise take you directly to the Snippets page…although it's possible someone else may know.



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@schaefera As well as the ways @Stephen_C suggested, you can type "?snippets" into Alfred and choose the result with Features > Snippets as the subtext - This will take you directly to the preferences. (This applies to any of the preferences, workflow keywords, etc when prefixed with the question mark)


Also, if you want to create a snippet from a bit of text you've just copied to the clipboard, you can pop up Alfred's Clipboard Viewer, choose the item you want to turn into a snippet and use Cmd + S to instantly start creating a snippet based on it.


Hope this helps :) 

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