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Snippet keywords not working on secondary devices

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I use Alfred on several devices (Mac Mini, iMac, Macbook) and I sync my settings via a Dropbox folder.


On all devices I am able to press Cmd+Option+S and enter any snippet. I also use a lot of keywords to enter snippets more quickly, but for some reason they only work on my main device (the Mac Mini).


Any idea why this wouldn't work on my iMac and Macbook?

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Files are offline on all devices. I also updated to the latest version of Dropbox and did the right-click thing again, but to no avail..

Besides, if entering a snippet by Cmd+Option+S works on all devices (which it does), I can't see how making a file available offline would solve my issue. Thanks anyway for your response!

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@DJdR It's possible that accessibility isn't granted on your two other Macs (or that there's some corruption to the permissions)


As outlined in the Troubleshooting link Stephen mentioned:


You need to ensure that Alfred is granted Accessibility access in your Mac's Security & Privacy preferences, under Accessibility.

Alfred needs to be listed here and the box next to it must be checked. If it is already checked, please quit Alfred, remove and re-add Alfred to the Accessibility preferences, then relaunch Alfred. This will ensure that if macOS has corrupted any permissions (which can happen, particularly after a macOS major upgrade), this will refresh them.


Let us know how you get on :)

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@DJdR Could you please provide your Diagnostics file, which you can get by typing "?diagnostics" into Alfred? You can then email it to our info@ email address so that I can take a look at your configuration, as Cmd + Option + S isn't a default hotkey so I'd like to see what it's associated to. :)



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