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"Recent Documents" is always empty [fixed in 5.5 beta 1]


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Hi, I just purchased the Power Pack for Alfred 5. One of my main reasons to do so, was to get access to the "recent documents" feature. Alas, this appears to be non-functional. I tested this on two separate MacBooks (one M1 and one M2) both running Sonoma. I granted Alfred full disk access and looked through all available settings. Also a search on this forum did not yield any results. 


The only way, I get Alfred to add documents to the list, is if I open a file via Alfred and the "Open with..." action. But if I create new files, they are missing and if I open files via the finder they are also not added to the list. I tested the problem with various applications, such as numbers.app, text edit.app or preview.app, all with the same disappointing results. 


Any pointers?

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@MartinJ Thanks for buying the Powerpack!


You're quite right, it looks like Apple have made a few tweaks which has broken Recent Documents for certain apps. On the surface, it looks like this shouldn't be a complex fix, so I'll take a look at sorting this out in the next Alfred build.




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Hello all!

When launching an app and right-arrowing over to "Recent Documents," the offerings are not recent nor do they update to reflect recent documents used in the app.

As you can see from the screencaps in Pages and Keynote, the "recent documents" are years old, or unpopulated.

I have cleared the application cache and rebuilt MacOS metadata - and the recents are still not recent.

What am I missing?


Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 08.51.57.png

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 08.52.18.png

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@drdan Welcome to the forum - I've merged your post with the thread above, as Andrew highlighted that Apple have made some changes that have broken Recent Documents. We're on the case :)

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  • Andrew changed the title to "Recent Documents" is always empty [fixed in 5.5 beta 1]

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