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Alfred 2.0.3 doesn't respect the user locale in bash scripts, unexpected encoding

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Posted (edited)

Bash scripts launched by Alfred in the context of workflows don't respect the OS X user's locale and instead default to the generic "C" locale.


Alfred should use the same locale that is used when a user starts an interactive shell in Terminal.app


(For instance, running locale in Terminal on my US-English system returns:


To verify the problem, use the following test workflow:
To work around the problem, use the following at the beginning of your script:


export LANG="$(defaults read -g AppleLocale).UTF-8" 
Possibly related [update: NOT related - see below]: non-ANSI characters are currently encoded in unexpected ways:
In normal UTF-8 encoding, "ü" should be passed in (via {query}) as the following multi-byte sequence:
  • expected: 0xc3 0xbc
  • instead, Alfred currently passes: 0x75  0xcc  0x88   - 3(!) bytes
Edited by mklement0

+1 for respecting the user locale in Bash scripts.


The issue with the non-ANSI chars was already discussed here and here. The unexpected encoding is due to the decomposition done by NSTask. There is already a workaround for this in the topics.


In normal UTF-8 encoding, "ü" should be passed in (via {query}) as the following multi-byte sequence:

  • expected: 0xc3 0xbc
  • instead, Alfred currently passes: 0x75  0xcc  0x88   - 3(!) bytes


Alfred uses NSTask, not Terminal, for running scripts and the UTF-8 normalisation is happening outside of Alfred's hands. If you look at _mk_'s links, I have created a workaround for this issue with a small command line app to renormalise UTF-8.


I've moved this to 'investigating', but there isn't much Alfred can do for now without overhauling some low level build in Cocoa framework.

Posted (edited)

Thanks, _mk_ and Andrew.


(As an aside: I should have searched the forums for "encoding"; however, I did search for utf (no quotes; rejected as too short), then "utf", "utf8", "utf-8" - none of which produced hits, even though they should.)


I've updated my original post to (a) point out that the encoding issue is unrelated to the locale issue and ( b ) to include a workaround for the locale issue.

To reiterate, add the following at the beginning of your script:



export LANG="$(defaults read -g AppleLocale).UTF-8"  
Edited by mklement0
Posted (edited)

As it turns out, when you invoke a shell script via do shell script from an NSAppleScript action, UTF-8 encoding works as expected (no decomposition).


Based on that, I came up with a workaround that ensures:

  • that the user's locale is in effect in the bash script invoked
  • that UTF-8 encoding works as expected - without the need for an external utility.
  • that the entire query string is passed correctly to the script invoked as a single parameter - AppleScript takes care of escaping with quoted form of.

The basic approach is to have a shell script invoked with a carefully crafted command line from a helper NSAppleScript action rather than directly.


Because do shell script defaults to / as the working directory (rather than the workflow's folder), I had to determine the workflow's own folder beforehand, which turned out to be non-trivial.

Aside: Does Alfred provide a way to for a workflow to query its own folder path?


The workaround is demonstrated in the following workflow:

Given the amount of code involved, I'm not sure if the workaround is worth it, but perhaps there's something useful in there.


Here's the code stored in the NSAppleScript action:

on alfred_script(q)
  # * Create a bash script in this workflow's folder,
  #   which will be invoked below.
  #   IMPORTANT: use a UNIQUE NAME, such as created with `uuidgen`, e.g.:
  #     "D0ACD509-E05A-4B5C-B45A-B2A7DECE0938.sh"
  # * Fill in this unique name on the next line.
  set shScriptName to "D0ACD509-E05A-4B5C-B45A-B2A7DECE0938.sh"

  # The workaround command string that ensures
  # - use of the current OS X user's locale
  # - normal (non-decomposed) UTF-8 encoding of non-ANSI characters.
  set workaroundCmd to "export LANG='" & user locale of (system info) & ".UTF-8'"  

  # Determine the parent folder of where Alfred's preferences are stored.
set prefsFolderParent to do shell script "defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences.plist syncfolder | sed -E 's:^~:'$HOME':'"

  # Determine THIS workflow's folder, via globbing and its unique script name.
  # Note: We canNOT use a workflow UID, because it changes on every export
  # and import.
  set thisFolder to do shell script "dirname \"$(echo " & quoted form of (prefsFolderParent & "/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.") & "*/" & quoted form of shScriptName & ")\""

  # Synthesize the cd command to change to this workflow's folder.
  set cdCmd to "cd " & quoted form of thisFolder

  # Construct the whole command line, passing q as a single,
  # properly escaped parameter.
  set cmdLine to workaroundCmd & "; " & cdCmd & "; /bin/bash ./" & shScriptName & " " & quoted form of q

  # Invoke the entire command line and pass out its stdout output.
  do shell script cmdLine

end alfred_script
Edited by mklement0

I think the AS solution is a bit overkill just to get the user locale. Doing the re-normalisation of the query with Andrews tool and getting the locale with


export LANG="$(defaults read -g AppleLocale).UTF-8" 

seems the be the easier solution for me. That way you can also avoid the logic to find the workflow directory.

Posted (edited)

Makes sense, _mk_ - I was seduced by the lure of the workaround solving three issues at once, but it turned out to be quite a bit more complex than I thought.

Edited by mklement0

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