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Show Finder's Color Labels in Search

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  • 4 months later...

This is EXACTLY what I was hoping for / imagined for OS Mavericks. Being able to search by label in Alfred would be IDEAL!!!


You can search for Mavericks tags already by using a File Filter > Advanced and choosing the kMDItemUserTags metadata field to your filter.

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  • 3 years later...
  • 1 year later...

Perhaps there hasn't been much consideration. Labels/tags are possibly going to be more important and utilized; see how they occupy a primary place in Files for iOS. If they were displayed in Alfred, a bit like Gmail for iOS, right aligned in a colored box with label name on the same line as the file path, I don't think that'd be too intrusive.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 years later...
On 7/26/2018 at 8:53 AM, dfay said:

I’d love color shading as in the first image in the original post in this thread.


For colored labels, I'd prefer the second style, as it is less intrusive and still easy to see. Coloring the whole entry would make for some very colourful, "in-your face" result lists. Especially since you don't always want to refer to labels, this would be rather disturbing, in my experience.


For custom tags (keywords), I like @h2ner's suggestion, or some version thereof.


Of course, an implementation of this feature should also have an option in the settings to toggle the feature in Alfred Preferences, and possibly to choose between different styles).


In any case, given that I work with labels all the time, it would be a huge improvement. The way I currently have to get this done is this way:

1.  Find/select file in Alfred

2. Open Universal Actions pane (in my case: Press Tab)

3. Type 'g[et]' or 'inf[o]' or use arrows to navigate to the Get Info action (mouse variation: move mouse to it)

4. Press Tab or Enter (mouse variation: click the action)
5. Activate Get Info panel if necessary (in my case: Press Cmd+§, or use the mouse)
         (Oftentimes I'm coming from a different Space and in many cases, Finder does not activate the most recent window.
           I have no idea why. I have a partial workaround through BetterTouchTool but it's suboptimal.)

6. Press Cmd+W to close the Info panel

    Mouse variation: Move to to the tiny red Close Window button, then click it. (This action in itself requires some patience and precision...)

7. Press Cmd+Tab to return to the application I was in (mouse variation: use mosue go to the window or application I want to go to next)


That makes 7 dreary steps, just to view the label.

With this requested feature, I wouldn't need to do anything. I would see the labels/tags at a glance.



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  • 4 months later...

Why are we not funding this? I've started a new thread on this as I didn't see this one. I can't see a rational reason why this isn't implemented by default.. or at the very least be an option for default search results.


Is there a good reason why this isn't implemented?

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