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[Request] uTorrent integration

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Hi fellow Alfredos!


Would it be possible to integrate uTorrent with Alfred? What i'm thinking is <keyword> startall/stopall/pauseall to do a mass action for all torrents in uTorrent.


Furthermore, is it even possible to maybe show listed torrents inline in Alfred? If <keyword> has no args then Alfred would just list all torrents and if a torrent is selected the three options (those from above -all) would show and make it possible to do per torrent actions.


Is it clear what i mean? I can elaborate further if anyone is up for the challenge. As uTorrent is the #1 torrent client for Mac i bet it would be a good addition.


Huge thanks in advance. Respect to all of you who improves the use of Alfred!

  • 2 weeks later...

I developed a similar thing for transmission if you're interested. I'm taking requests for it (i mainly develop for myself and it has enough functionalities for me, but I don't mind adding onto it).



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