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ZotQuery: an Alfred workflow for Zotero

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Starting debug for 'ZotQuery'


[ERROR: alfred.workflow.action.script] Code 1: 15:27:09 workflow.py:1263 ERROR    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'None/prefs.js'

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Users/sdaza/Dropbox/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.89B1EB42-50D8-44BC-A99F-0FCAA2F6D384/workflow/workflow.py", line 1261, in run


  File "zotquery.py", line 1496, in main

    print z_configurator.config()

  File "zotquery.py", line 520, in config

    return self.set_zot_paths()

  File "zotquery.py", line 550, in set_zot_paths

    if self._get_paths(zf_pref_path)[0]:

  File "zotquery.py", line 636, in _get_paths

    with open(prefs, 'r') as file_obj:

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'None/prefs.js'

15:27:18 workflow.py:1263 ERROR    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/Users/sdaza/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.hackademic.zotquery/paths.json'

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Users/sdaza/Dropbox/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.89B1EB42-50D8-44BC-A99F-0FCAA2F6D384/workflow/workflow.py", line 1261, in run


  File "zotquery.py", line 1490, in main

    z_cacher = ZotCache(_force, _personal_only)

  File "zotquery.py", line 170, in __init__

    self.zot_db = self.get_path('database_path')

  File "zotquery.py", line 207, in get_path

    with open(self.wf_obj.datafile("paths.json"), 'r') as file_obj:

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/Users/sdaza/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.hackademic.zotquery/paths.json'

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 It still doesn't work for me. Configuration seems to be right... 


I don't know the difference between storage and linked attachment folder... 


Starting debug for 'ZotQuery'


[ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 16:29:37 workflow.py:1263 ERROR    [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/Users/sdaza/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.hackademic.zotquery/zotero_db.json'

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Users/sdaza/Dropbox/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.89B1EB42-50D8-44BC-A99F-0FCAA2F6D384/workflow/workflow.py", line 1261, in run


  File "zotquery.py", line 1510, in main

    z_filter = ZotFilter(_query, _scope)

  File "zotquery.py", line 723, in __init__

    with open(self.wf_obj.datafile("zotero_db.json"), 'r') as file_obj:

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/Users/sdaza/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.hackademic.zotquery/zotero_db.json'

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The "storage" directory/folder is where Zotero stores all internal attachments. If you have Standalone, it should be at ~/Library/Application Support/Zotero/Profiles/[something].default/zotero/storage. Can you open the paths.json file in ZotQuery's data directory (use z:bug then open the "Storage" folder) and tell me whats in there? Also, can you run z:cache with the debugger on and paste the results?

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    "database_path": "alias Macintosh HD:Users:sdaza:Library:Application Support:Zotero:Profiles:fkkyo13j.default:zotero:zotero.sqlite",
    "link-attachments_path": "alias Macintosh HD:Users:sdaza:Library:Application Support:Zotero:",
    "storage_path": "alias Macintosh HD:Users:sdaza:Library:Application Support:Zotero:Profiles:fkkyo13j.default:zotero:storage:"
Starting debug for 'ZotQuery'
[ERROR: alfred.workflow.action.script] Code 1: 16:39:48 workflow.py:1263 ERROR    no such table: items
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/sdaza/Dropbox/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.89B1EB42-50D8-44BC-A99F-0FCAA2F6D384/workflow/workflow.py", line 1261, in run
  File "zotquery.py", line 1500, in main
    print z_cacher.cache()
  File "zotquery.py", line 308, in cache
    json_cache = self.get_cache()
  File "zotquery.py", line 323, in get_cache
    basic_info = self.info_query()
  File "zotquery.py", line 264, in info_query
    return self.sqlite_get(info_sql)
  File "zotquery.py", line 236, in sqlite_get
    _info = cur.execute(_sql)
OperationalError: no such table: items
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Ok. That's super helpful. There was a bug in a helper script I was using which was saving Applescript-style alias paths instead of standard POSIX paths in the paths.json file. I just uploaded version 8.0.7 to Packal. It will fix this issue. So run z:config again once you update.

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To be specific, ZotQuery will automatically try to update the cache after you perform an action on a query; for example, export a short reference. ZotQuery does not check the cache merely after a query.

If this is a major nuisance, it may be possible to alter the functionality, but please try updating using z:cache or performing an action on query. This should always update the cache. As far as I can tell, that code is solid, so I don't think there is a bug there.


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The recent update fixed my problem (reported a while ago) as well. Thanks!


In an earlier post, you described a way to limit the 'zot' search to certain data fields (which also made it much faster):



With the recent updates, I can do that in the 'zot_filters.json' file, right?


Also, is it possible to restrict the search in two ways:

1) I would like to exclude Zotero items that are in group libraries. Many items are both in my personal and in group libraries so that I see them twice in ZotQuery searches.

2) Is it possible to exclude certain item types? I am, for example, not interested in finding web-pages, notes and some other stuff.



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In an earlier post, you described a way to limit the 'zot' search to certain data fields (which also made it much faster):



With the recent updates, I can do that in the 'zot_filters.json' file, right?

Correct. If you edit this file, it changes what ZotQuery looks at for the various filters. The file is (obviously) in JSON format. The keys are the various types of filters (general, titles, in-collection, etc). For each key, there is a list of items that it will search. This items are themselves lists with two items (except for notes, which is only one item). To remove an item, be sure to remove its entirety:


You could also use a scripting language to read the JSON, manipulate the dictionary, then overwrite the file with new JSON.


Also, is it possible to restrict the search in two ways:

1) I would like to exclude Zotero items that are in group libraries. Many items are both in my personal and in group libraries so that I see them twice in ZotQuery searches.

2) Is it possible to exclude certain item types? I am, for example, not interested in finding web-pages, notes and some other stuff.

To number 1: I have added this feature, just not really documented it. If you open Alfred and ZotQuery, and you open the Run Script action connected to z:cache you will find this:

python zotquery.py --cache True False


These three arguments tell zotquery to use the caching object (--cache), to force a cache update (True) and to not limit the scope to only the user's personal library (False). As detailed in the description at the top of zotquery.py, the last argument is a Boolean value for whether or not to limit the scope of the cache to the user's personal library. By default, it is set to False, which means that group libraries are included in ZotQuery's cache. If you change this to True, ZotQuery will only cache your personal library, and thus will only search your personal library.

ZotQuery also has a cache updater that runs each time you perform an action. This is the Run Script action beneath the "Citation Copied!" notification for each filter type. If you open this Run Script action you will see:

python zotquery.py --cache False False.


This will check to see if the cache needs updating (thus the False force argument), and will include all libraries. To exclude group libraries, change each of these Run Script actions to:

python zotquery.py --cache False True.

To number 2: You would have to alter the code in zotquery.py to achieve this, but it is totally possible. The section that would need to change is the info_sql method under the ZotCache object. This should start at line 256. It will look like this:

def info_query(self):
"""Retrieve (key, id, type id) from item"""
info_sql = """SELECT key, itemID, itemTypeID, libraryID
    FROM items
        itemTypeID != 14
        and itemTypeID != 1
    ORDER BY dateAdded DESC"""
return self.sqlite_get(info_sql)

This is a sqlite query that begins the caching the process by getting all of the items that ZotQuery will cache. If you want to exclude certain item types, this is where you will do it. There are two ways you could do this inclusive or exclusive, that is, you can say get all items that are of these types (inclusive) or say get all items that aren't of these types (exclusive). To determine the itemTypeID, you will need to explore the .sqlite file. This is simple tho. Use the z:bug keyword, then open "Storage". In this directory will be the file zotquery.sqlite. Open this will something that can read .sqlite databases (I use a free app called SQLite Database Browser) If you explore the table titled "itemTypes", this will show you every possible item type and its corresponding id number. These are the numbers you will need.

Let's say you want to only include Books, Chapters, Articles, Theses, Manuscripts, and Conference Papers. This is inclusive. You would change the info_sql method to this:

def info_query(self):
"""Retrieve (key, id, type id) from item"""
info_sql = """SELECT key, itemID, itemTypeID, libraryID
    FROM items
        itemTypeID IN (2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 33)
    ORDER BY dateAdded DESC"""
return self.sqlite_get(info_sql)

You can add whatever numbers correspond to items that you want to have searchable.

Conversely, you could simply exclude the items you don't want cached. Let's say you don't want Notes, Webpages, or Attachments, then you will use something like this:

def info_query(self):
"""Retrieve (key, id, type id) from item"""
info_sql = """SELECT key, itemID, itemTypeID, libraryID
    FROM items
        itemTypeID not IN (1, 13, 14)
    ORDER BY dateAdded DESC"""
return self.sqlite_get(info_sql)

Using either of these methods will achieve your goal.

Hope this all helps to get ZotQuery working exactly as you would like it.


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Actually, I am not sure whether the personal_only argument works. I changed the syntax for the z:config, z:cache, and the script below citation copied so that the second argument is always True. Then I updated the cache with z:cache but items group libraries still show up.

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Actually, I am not sure whether the personal_only argument works. I changed the syntax for the z:config, z:cache, and the script below citation copied so that the second argument is always True. Then I updated the cache with z:cache but items group libraries still show up.


Good catch. In the upgrading, that functionality got a bit shoddy, and since I don't use it, I didn't spot it. I've just pushed version 8.1 to Packal which will fix this issue. Unfortunately, you will have to change the second argument in all those places again (Sorry). But at least it will work now. 



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UPDATE: Version 8.5 now uses the Alfred Bundler to store all external dependencies, well, externally. This greatly lessens the size of the workflow (now 303.74 KB), which is great for those of us who back up to Dropbox. The way bundler works, on the very first run of version 8.5, you will have to wait as it downloads everything that's necessary (should take around 15 seconds, but after that, ZotQuery will be as fast as ever).

Please update and start saving space now :)


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  • 2 weeks later...



Many congrats on this workflow: is exceptionally useful.  I've not been through the entire forum so not sure if this has been solved previously (forgive me) but I've never managed to get ZotQuery to open up the attached PDFs in Zotero.   Shift-enter should do it, but nothing happens.  Enter alone switches to that entry in Zotero.


I provide the Debug results below. I tried a couple of different things - hence its a bit a long, but it should demonstrate that the other bits work.


I presume its something in the way I've set it up? Maybe its not looking in the right place? 


Thanks again.



Starting debug for 'ZotQuery'


[iNFO: alfred.workflow.input.keyword] Processing output 'alfred.workflow.action.script' with arg ''

[iNFO: alfred.workflow.action.script] Processing output 'alfred.workflow.output.notification' with arg 'Cache Updated!


[iNFO: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<items><item valid="no"><title>Error!</title><subtitle>Need at least 3 letters to execute search</subtitle><icon>icons/n_delay.png</icon></item></items>

[iNFO: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<items><item valid="no"><title>Error!</title><subtitle>Need at least 3 letters to execute search</subtitle><icon>icons/n_delay.png</icon></item></items>

[iNFO: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<items><item valid="yes"><title>What is the role of the aorta in directing coronary blood flow?</title><subtitle>Davies, Parker, Mayet, Hughes, and Francis. 2008. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_ZMEQWFMZ</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Functional assessment of coronary stenoses: can we live without it?</title><subtitle>Pijls, Tanaka, and Fearon. 2012. Attachments: 3</subtitle><arg>0_R3R4BGR4</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Relation of exercise capacity and body mass index to mortality in patients with intermediate to high risk of coronary artery disease</title><subtitle>Johnson, Wu, Bonow, and Holly. 2008.</subtitle><arg>0_KHQFCIC3</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Comparison of invasive and conservative strategies after treatment with intravenous tissue plasminogen activator in acute myocardial infarction. Results of the thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI) phase II trial. The TIMI Study Group</title><subtitle>xxx. 1989.</subtitle><arg>0_9DAI4A5N</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Streptococcus sanguis endocarditis associated with colonic carcinoma</title><subtitle>Nijjer and Dubrey. 2010. Attachments: 2</subtitle><arg>0_MIJS7W74</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Vascular control by purines with emphasis on the coronary system</title><subtitle>Burnstock. 1989.</subtitle><arg>0_S7NU9X6V</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Aortic stenosis and angina with normal coronary arteries: the role of coronary flow abnormalities.</title><subtitle>Irvine and Kenny. 1997. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_NQ9B5S7B</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Acute coronary syndromes in 2013: Optimizing revascularization strategies in patients with ACS</title><subtitle>Stone. 2014. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_SWHINR8N</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Management of ventricular dysfunction in adults with congenital heart disease</title><subtitle>Nijjer, White, and Swan. 2008.</subtitle><arg>0_BDCQ42DH</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Detection of coronary artery disease by thallium scintigraphy in patients with valvar heart disease.</title><subtitle>Huikuri, Korhonen, Heikkila, and Takkunen. 1986. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_RN3RR985</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Managing the asymptomatic patient with severe aortic stenosis: randomised controlled trials of early surgery are overdue</title><subtitle>McCann, Steadman, Ray, and Newby. 2011. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_ZGK7N339</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Dual Antiplatelet Therapy with Prasugrel or Ticagrelor Versus Clopidogrel in Interventional Cardiology</title><subtitle>Clemmensen, Dridi, and Holmvang. 2013. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_3JHMBXA6</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Fractional flow reserve is a useful reference standard for myocardial perfusion studies with limitations</title><subtitle>Ramanna. 2014. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_7C5ZNMNN</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Prevalence of coronary artery disease in patients with aortic stenosis with and without angina pectoris</title><subtitle>Rapp, Hillis, Lange, and Cigarroa. 2001. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_J5Z4DANX</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Prediction of Fractional Flow Reserve without Hyperemic Induction Based on Resting Baseline Pd/Pa</title><subtitle>Kim, Lee, Suh, Kim, Chun, Park, Kim, Han, and Sohn. 2013. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_58UQUJHW</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Serial quantitative assessment of absolute coronary flow and flow reserve with CAD progression to events</title><subtitle>Sdringola, Narula, Johnson, and Gould. 2013.</subtitle><arg>0_8VPBHB5T</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Cardiac resynchronisation therapy in patients with heart failure and a normal QRS duration: the RESPOND study</title><subtitle>Foley, Patel, Irwin, Sanderson, Frenneaux, Smith, Stegemann, and Leyva. 2011.</subtitle><arg>0_T7RDT3D4</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Fractional flow reserve is a useful reference standard for myocardial perfusion studies with limitations: reply</title><subtitle>Plein and Motwani. 2014. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_D8FCCR7B</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Left intraventricular myocardial deformation dyssynchrony identifies responders to cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with heart failure</title><subtitle>Mele. 2005.</subtitle><arg>0_5ZEZ72ZB</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>A Randomized Trial Comparing Coronary Angioplasty with Coronary Bypass Surgery</title><subtitle>King, Lembo, Weintraub, Kosinski, Barnhart, Kutner, Alazraki, Guyton, and Zhao. 1994. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_3P8KMJQ2</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>A Rational Approach to Raised Troponins on a Hyperacute Stroke Unit: Coping with the Impact on Cardiology Services</title><subtitle>Nijjer, Banerjee, Barker, Banerjee, Connolly, and Fox. 2011. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_28C25RVQ</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Completeness of Revascularization in Patients With ST-Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction</title><subtitle>Kornowski. 2008.</subtitle><arg>0_9TQTET8K</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>How a marriage with big pharma ended in divorce</title><subtitle>Arie. 2013.</subtitle><arg>0_5VCX8DNH</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>The Effect of Spironolactone on Morbidity and Mortality in Patients with Severe Heart Failure</title><subtitle>Pitt, Zannad, Remme, Cody, Castaigne, Perez, Palensky, and Wittes. 1999. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_AW7VZDNV</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Comparisons against baseline within randomised groups are often used and can be highly misleading</title><subtitle>Bland and Altman. 2011. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_PTVSF576</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Coronary reserve in patients with aortic valve disease before and after successful aortic valve replacement</title><subtitle>Eberli, Ritter, Schwitter, Bortone, Schneider, Hess, and Krayenbuehl. 1991. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_3RFXSSZ2</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Invasive measurement of coronary microvascular resistance in patients with acute myocardial infarction treated by primary PCI</title><subtitle>Amier, Teunissen, Knaapen, Marques, and Royen. 2014. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_3ANU84AH</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Coronary flow reserve is impaired in patients with aortic valve calcification</title><subtitle>Bozbas, Pirat, Yildirir, Şimşek, Sade, Eroglu, Atar, Altin, Demirtas, Muderrisoglu, and Ozin. 2008. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_FTQUDTKW</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Differentiation of Physiologically Significant Coronary Artery Lesions by Coronary Blood Flow Measurements During Isoproterenol Infusion</title><subtitle>Horwitz, Curry, Parkey, and Bonte. 1974. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_JD3BHXIK</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>3D Imaging of vascular networks for biophysical modeling of perfusion distribution within the heart</title><subtitle>van den Wijngaard, Schwarz, van Horssen, van Lier, Dobbe, Spaan, and Siebes. 2013.</subtitle><arg>0_S3HWRFK3</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Cardiovascular risk factors in patients with aortic stenosis predict prevalence of coronary artery disease but not of aortic stenosis: an angiographic pair matched case-control study</title><subtitle>Ortlepp. 2003. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_H8BA3N5N</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Coronary vasodilator reserve in primary and secondary left ventricular hypertrophy A study with positron emission tomography</title><subtitle>Choudhury, Nihoyannopoulos, Patel, Rosen, and Camici. 1997. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_7RR9KC4I</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>SPECT dipyridamole scintigraphy for detecting coronary artery disease in patients with isolated severe aortic stenosis</title><subtitle>Avakian, Grinberg, Meneguetti, Ramires, and Mansur. 2001. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_33WFNCJ2</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Use of coronary physiology in the catheterization laboratory to guide treatment in patients with coronary artery disease</title><subtitle>McDaniel and Samady. 2011.</subtitle><arg>0_WE88NM33</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Assessment of optimum stent deployment by stent boost imaging: comparison with intravascular ultrasound</title><subtitle>Tanaka, Pijls, Koolen, Botman, Michels, Brueren, Yamashina, Yamashita, Peels, and Shindo. 2013.</subtitle><arg>0_Q7ZV5IE6</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Clopidogrel can be safely continued until coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with acute coronary syndrome: a meta-analysis</title><subtitle>Nijjer, Watson, Athanasiou, and Malik. 2011.</subtitle><arg>0_9CCJF3DE</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Intensive versus Moderate Lipid Lowering with Statins after Acute Coronary Syndromes</title><subtitle>Cannon, Rader, Braunwald, Hill, McCabe, Belder, Joyal, Rouleau, Skene, and Pfeffer. 2004.</subtitle><arg>0_U7AATRTN</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Life-Threatening Ventricular Arrhythmias in Patients with Silent Myocardial Ischemia Due to Coronary Artery Spasm</title><subtitle>Myerburg, Interian, Kessler, Mallon, Castellanos, deMarchena, and Cox. 1992.</subtitle><arg>0_T83HMDQQ</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Cardiac-Resynchronization Therapy in Heart Failure with a Narrow QRS Complex</title><subtitle>Ruschitzka, Ford, Abraham, Singh, Borer, Dickstein, Gras, Bax, Brugada, Gorcsan, Krum, Sogaard, and Holzmeister. 0000. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_D4FI5GGT</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Impact of CYP2C19 variant genotypes on clinical efficacy of antiplatelet treatment with clopidogrel: systematic review and meta-analysis</title><subtitle>Bauer, Taubert, van Werkum, Ford, Bouman, and Ten Berg. 2011.</subtitle><arg>0_H6ATZRUK</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Resting Pd/Pa Measured with Intracoronary Pressure Wire Strongly Predicts Fractional Flow Reserve</title><subtitle>Mamas, Horner, Welch, Ashworth, Millington, Fraser, Fath-Ordoubadi, Neyses, and El-Omar. 2010. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_653GUH98</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>A combination of thermal methods to assess coronary pressure and flow dynamics with a pressure-sensing guide wire</title><subtitle>van der Horst, Pijls, van der Sligte, Van't Veer, Rutten, and van de Vosse. 2013.</subtitle><arg>0_SIP2GNUK</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>High Prevalence of Stress-Induced Dynamic Diastolic Dyssynchrony in   Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction</title><subtitle>Yu, Lee, Song, Zhang, Yip, Xie, Zhu, and Li. 2009.</subtitle><arg>0_7CCUJUK9</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Sirolimus-eluting stents compared with standard stents in the treatment of patients with primary angioplasty</title><subtitle>Díaz de la Llera, Ballesteros, Nevado, Fernández, Villa, Sánchez, Retegui, García, and Martínez. 2007. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_K52IIPA9</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Long-term prognostic role of coronary flow velocity reserve in patients with aortic valve stenosis - insights from the SZEGED Study</title><subtitle>Nemes, Balázs, Csanády, and Forster. 2009. 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Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_ZNMUH4R4</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Ticagrelor Enhances Adenosine-Induced Coronary Vasodilatory Responses in Humans</title><subtitle>Wittfeldt, Emanuelsson, Brandrup-Wognsen, van Giezen, Jonasson, Nylander, and Gan. 2013. Attachments: 1</subtitle><arg>0_B8C4UZR5</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients without left   intraventricular dyssynchrony</title><subtitle>Auger, Schalij, Bleeker, Ewe, Bertini, Witkowski, Ng, Erven, Delgado, van Bommel, and Bax. 2012.</subtitle><arg>0_6CR8M64R</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Patients Without Left   Intraventricular Dyssynchrony.</title><subtitle>Auger, Schalij, Bleeker, Delgado, Ewe, Bertini, van Bommel, Ng, Witkowski, Bax, and Poldermans. 2010.</subtitle><arg>0_2KSNDHUV</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Usefulness of preimplantation B-type natriuretic peptide level for   predicting response to cardiac resynchronization therapy</title><subtitle>Lellouche, De Diego, Cesario, Boyle, Horowitz, Mahajan, Vaseghi, Shivkumar, Fonarow, and Wiener. 2007.</subtitle><arg>0_TUAD3B8H</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Adverse event rates following primary PCI for STEMI at US and non-US hospitals: three-year analysis from the HORIZONS-AMI trial</title><subtitle>Tobbia, Mehran, Brodie, Metzger, Witzenbichler, Yu, Kellett, Stuckey, Fahy, Guagliumi, and Stone. 2013.</subtitle><arg>0_UHIM28N8</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Prediction of Response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Combining   Two Different Three-Dimensional Analyses of Left Ventricular   Dyssynchrony</title><subtitle>Auger, Schalij, Bertini, Hoke, Delgado, Thijssen, Ewe, Yiu, Marsan, Witkowski, van der Wall, Ng, and Bax. 2011.</subtitle><arg>0_C6FQ8BI4</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>VERIFY (VERification of Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio and Fractional Flow Reserve for the Assessment of Coronary Artery Stenosis Severity in EverydaY Practice): A Multicenter Study in Consecutive Patients</title><subtitle>Berry, van 't Veer, De Bruyne, Witt, Kala, Bocek, McClure, Barbato, Pyxaras, Tonino, Pijls, Fearon, and Oldroyd. 2013. Attachments: 3</subtitle><arg>0_2DDEPP52</arg><icon>icons/att_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Role of clopidogrel loading dose in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary angioplasty: results from the HORIZONS-AMI (harmonizing outcomes with revascularization and stents in acute myocardial infarction) trial</title><subtitle>Dangas, Mehran, Guagliumi, Aoki, Caixeta, Rabbani, Witzenbichler, Dudek, Peruga, Brodie, Kornowski, Stone, and Parise. 2009.</subtitle><arg>0_M8NECNZ2</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children</title><subtitle>Wakefield, Murch, Anthony, Linnell, Casson, Malik, Berelowitz, Dhillon, Thomson, Harvey, Valentine, Davies, and Walker-Smith. 1998.</subtitle><arg>0_9FAME97Q</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>A risk score to predict bleeding in patients with acute coronary syndromes</title><subtitle>Mehran, Lansky, Nikolsky, Pocock, Clayton, Dangas, Kirtane, Parise, Manoukian, Fahy, Ohman, Witzenbichler, Guagliumi, Feit, and Stone. 2010.</subtitle><arg>0_9UP2SVUV</arg><icon>icons/n_article.png</icon></item><item valid="yes"><title>Bivalirudin during Primary PCI in Acute Myocardial Infarction</title><subtitle>Stone, Witzenbichler, Guagliumi, Peruga, Brodie, Gersh, Wong, Dudek, Kornowski, Hartmann, Pocock, Dangas, Kirtane, Mehran, and Parise. 2008. 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Link to comment



Many congrats on this workflow: is exceptionally useful.  I've not been through the entire forum so not sure if this has been solved previously (forgive me) but I've never managed to get ZotQuery to open up the attached PDFs in Zotero.   Shift-enter should do it, but nothing happens.  Enter alone switches to that entry in Zotero.


I provide the Debug results below. I tried a couple of different things - hence its a bit a long, but it should demonstrate that the other bits work.


I presume its something in the way I've set it up? Maybe its not looking in the right place? 


Thanks again.

A few questions:

  • what version of ZotQuery are you using?
  • can you open the Storage folder (use z:bug) and paste the contents of paths.json?
  • are your attachments internal or external (i.e. linked)?
Link to comment




  • ZotQuery Version 8.5 - I've just updated:  however, I believe I've always had this problem


  • paths.json:
    "database_path": "/Users/Sukh/Library/Application Support/Zotero/Profiles/y6ud2vip.default/zotero/zotero.sqlite",
    "link-attachments_path": "",
    "storage_path": "/Users/Sukh/Library/Application Support/Zotero/Profiles/y6ud2vip.default/storage/"
  • I believe they are internal: I let zotero put them wherever it wants
Thanks for being so quick and attentive.
Link to comment
Hmm...This is odd. I've re-tested on my machine and things are working well, both for internal and external attachments. Could you open up zotero_db.json in the Storage folder and paste in a few items that have attachments? Each one would look something like this:

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            "volume": 1,
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I can't see how its a problem with the action script, so the JSON is likely out of whack. A few examples from your db ought to clear things up.


Link to comment

Hi Stephen


Thanks for looking into this.


Just a thought - could this be due to ZotFile which automatically renames the PDFs?  I haven't got it doing anything more sophisticated than just giving an easier to recognise name.  


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        "data": {
            "url": "http://icvts.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/06/02/icvts.ivu182",
            "pages": "ivu182",
            "publicationTitle": "Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery",
            "ISSN": "1569-9293, 1569-9285",
            "date": "2014",
            "extra": "PMID: 24893870",
            "journalAbbreviation": "Interact CardioVasc Thorac Surg",
            "DOI": "10.1093/icvts/ivu182",
            "accessDate": "2014-06-08 09:50:02",
            "libraryCatalog": "icvts.oxfordjournals.org",
            "language": "en",
            "abstractNote": "OBJECTIVES Coronary artery bypass grafting for multivessel disease requires an appropriate graft design to avoid the competition of flow between the graft and the native vessel in order to achieve a sufficient coronary flow and durable graft patency.\nMETHODS Three-dimensional computational models of the left coronary artery were created based on the angiographic data. Three stenosis patterns of 75 and 90% combinations were created in the left anterior descending artery (LAD), the diagonal branch (Dx) and the circumflex artery (LCx). The left internal thoracic artery (LITA) was anastomosed to the LAD, and separate saphenous vein grafts (SVGs) were anastomosed to the Dx and the LCx in the \u2018Independent\u2019 model. The \u2018Sequential\u2019 model included sequential SVG anastomoses to the Dx and the LCx with a left internal thoracic artery\u2013left anterior descending artery bypass, and Y-composite arterial grafts to LAD and Dx were created in the \u2018Composite\u2019 model.\nRESULTS The \u2018Independent\u2019 model had high reverse flow from the Dx to the LAD in systole, resulting in decreased LITA flow when Dx stenosis was mild. The \u2018Sequential\u2019 model also had reverse flow in diastole, resulting in additional LAD flow. The \u2018Composite\u2019 model distributed increased flow to the Dx when Dx stenosis was severe, resulting in decreased flow to the LAD.\nCONCLUSIONS Systematic flow evaluation is beneficial for determining the optimal bypass graft arrangement in patients with multivessel disease. Individual SVG anastomoses to the Dx and the LCx are not desirable when Dx stenosis is not severe and a Y-composite arterial graft to the LAD and the Dx is not desirable when Dx stenosis is severe.",
            "title": "Optimal bypass graft design for left anterior descending and diagonal territory in multivessel coronary disease"
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        "data": {
            "url": "http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1305520",
            "volume": 369,
            "issue": 12,
            "pages": "1115-1123",
            "publicationTitle": "New England Journal of Medicine",
            "ISSN": "0028-4793",
            "date": "2013",
            "extra": "PMID: 23991625",
            "DOI": "10.1056/NEJMoa1305520",
            "accessDate": "2014-06-05 09:13:51",
            "libraryCatalog": "Taylor and Francis+NEJM",
            "abstractNote": "Patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) are effectively treated with emergency angioplasty, hereafter called percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), to restore blood flow to the coronary artery that is judged to be causing the myocardial infarction (infarct artery, also known as culprit artery).1\u20135 These patients may have major stenoses in coronary arteries that were not responsible for the myocardial infarction,6 but the value of performing PCI in such arteries for the prevention of future cardiac events is not known. Some physicians have taken the view that stenoses in noninfarct arteries may cause serious adverse cardiac events that could . . .",
            "title": "Randomized Trial of Preventive Angioplasty in Myocardial Infarction"
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            "issue": 5,
            "pages": "432-440",
            "publicationTitle": "Journal of the American College of Cardiology",
            "ISSN": "0735-1097",
            "date": "2010",
            "journalAbbreviation": "Journal of the American College of Cardiology",
            "DOI": "10.1016/j.jacc.2009.10.014",
            "accessDate": "2014-06-05 05:50:04",
            "libraryCatalog": "ScienceDirect",
            "abstractNote": "Objectives\nThe purpose of this study was to compare the safety and efficacy of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stenting against coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in patients with diabetes and symptomatic multivessel coronary artery disease.\nBackground\nCABG is the established method of revascularization in patients with diabetes and multivessel coronary disease, but with advances in PCI, there is uncertainty whether CABG remains the preferred method of revascularization.\nMethods\nThe primary outcome was a composite of all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction (MI), and stroke, and the main secondary outcome included the addition of repeat revascularization to the primary outcome events. A total of 510 diabetic patients with multivessel or complex single-vessel coronary disease from 24 centers were randomized to PCI plus stenting (and routine abciximab) or CABG. The primary comparison used a noninferiority method with the upper boundary of the 95% confidence interval (CI) not to exceed 1.3 to declare PCI noninferior. Bare-metal stents were used initially, but a switch to Cypher (sirolimus drug-eluting) stents (Cordis, Johnson & Johnson, Bridgewater, New Jersey) was made when these became available.\nResults\nAt 1 year of follow-up, the composite rate of death, MI, and stroke was 10.5% in the CABG group and 13.0% in the PCI group (hazard ratio [HR]: 1.25, 95% CI: 0.75 to 2.09; p = 0.39), all-cause mortality rates were 3.2% and 3.2%, and the rates of death, MI, stroke, or repeat revascularization were 11.3% and 19.3% (HR: 1.77, 95% CI: 1.11 to 2.82; p = 0.02), respectively. When the patients who underwent CABG were compared with the subset of patients who received drug-eluting stents (69% of patients), the primary outcome rates were 12.4% and 11.6% (HR: 0.93, 95% CI: 0.51 to 1.71; p = 0.82), respectively.\nConclusions\nThe CARDia (Coronary Artery Revascularization in Diabetes) trial is the first randomized trial of coronary revascularization in diabetic patients, but the 1-year results did not show that PCI is noninferior to CABG. However, the CARDia trial did show that multivessel PCI is feasible in patients with diabetes, but longer-term follow-up and data from other trials will be needed to provide a more precise comparison of the efficacy of these 2 revascularization strategies. (The Coronary Artery Revascularisation in Diabetes trial; ISRCTN19872154)",
            "title": "Randomized Comparison of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Diabetic Patients: 1-Year Results of the CARDia (Coronary Artery Revascularization in Diabetes) Trial",
            "shortTitle": "Randomized Comparison of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Diabetic Patients"
        "zot-collections": [
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                "name": "Coronary revascularization",
                "key": "CHWG3Z3P"
                "name": "Diabetes",
                "key": "8XQ9CQDE"
                "name": "multivesssel disease",
                "key": "U8N4VMN7"
        "attachments": [
                "path": "/Users/Sukh/Library/Application Support/Zotero/Profiles/y6ud2vip.default/storage/GNTV2F2Q/Kapur et al_2010_Randomized Comparison of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Coronary.pdf",
                "name": "Kapur et al_2010_Randomized Comparison of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Coronary.pdf",
                "key": "GNTV2F2Q"
        "notes": []


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Well your attachment paths look good. Can you open up the storage folder and check to see if the PDFs are actually there?


To do this, simply open Finder then use cmd+shift+G to go to a location. First, try this path:

/Users/Sukh/Library/Application Support/Zotero/Profiles/y6ud2vip.default/storage/GNTV2F2Q/


Given your db, there should be a PDF entitled "Kapur et al2010Randomized Comparison of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Coronary.pdf" in that folder. Is it there? Also, just explore the storage folder in general. Are there lots of PDFs in folders?

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Hi Stephen


Ah ha.  Stupid user (me) error.  I think I had ZotQuery pointed to the wrong folder.  There is subtle different path with a missing /zotero/.


/Users/Sukh/Library/Application Support/Zotero/Profiles/y6ud2vip.default/zotero/storage/GNTV2F2Q/Kapur et al_2010_Randomized Comparison of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Coronary.pdf


I had tried this before but had no joy, but just changed z:settings again and refreshed z:cache, and after a bit of delay, it seems to be working now! 


Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to help: apologies for being silly for getting the path wrong.

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Hi Stephen


Ah ha.  Stupid user (me) error.  I think I had ZotQuery pointed to the wrong folder.  There is subtle different path with a missing /zotero/.


/Users/Sukh/Library/Application Support/Zotero/Profiles/y6ud2vip.default/zotero/storage/GNTV2F2Q/Kapur et al_2010_Randomized Comparison of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Coronary.pdf


I had tried this before but had no joy, but just changed z:settings again and refreshed z:cache, and after a bit of delay, it seems to be working now! 


Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to help: apologies for being silly for getting the path wrong.

That's great. Happy to hear things are working now.

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