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[Request] Create New File in Finder

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In Alfred v1, I had a simple AppleScript that created a new file in Finder's frontmost window: 


tell application "Finder" to make new file at (the target of the front window) as alias

I'm trying to get it to work in Alfred v2 and I simply can't. I also tried alternatives, like this one, which uses Bash instead (from Mac Tuts), but nothing successful: 
myPath=$(osascript -e 'try' -e 'tell application "Finder"' -e 'set this_folder to (the target of the front window) as alias' -e 'set this_folder to POSIX path of this_folder' -e 'return this_folder' -e 'end tell' -e 'end try' -e 'set this_folder to POSIX path of (path to desktop)' -e 'return this_folder');
cd $myPath;
touch newfile
Can someone point out what I'm doing wrong (or perhaps the Beta hasn't reached that point yet)? Also, if someone would like to lend a hand, all I want is a workflow that allows me to create a file. If you really want to have fun, an optional keyword argument which can specify the filename (and extension) would be even better. 
Thanks in advance, 
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Can someone point out what I'm doing wrong (or perhaps the Beta hasn't reached that point yet)? Also, if someone would like to lend a hand, all I want is a workflow that allows me to create a file. If you really want to have fun, an optional keyword argument which can specify the filename (and extension) would be even better. 


Here's what I put together: http://d.pr/f/KbzM


Use the keyword "touch" followed by a filename to create that file in the frontmost Finder window. "touch add" allows you to store commonly-used filenames for later access through Alfred's new feedback system.

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