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TV Shows Manager [Beta testers needed]

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TV Shows manager download link

Find your favorite shows right from Alfred. Remember which episode you’re at (and where you stopped in it), know if a new episode is out (or how long until it is), read synopsis...

Everything you want for TV Shows is in this workflow.


quick use

First and foremost, download the workflow.

You need NodeJS installed for this workflow to work.



This is a beta version, I hope to get your feedback and bug reports.

Have fun :-)

Edited by Florian

Flo, this looks cool. I haven't played with it yet, but from the screenshots (the last one particularly), it looks like the text-encoding isn't working correctly. I'm not sure how you're doing it, but it could be better if you could somehow set the correct encoding for document created for quicklook. You could do this either with a sort of str_replace for improperly encoded characters, or just create the document as an HTML document rather than an RTF so that you can set the text encoding in the header.


It would also be neater if you used Alfred's native quicklook functionality — this way, you get rid of the annoying "[DEBUG]" message.


Hey Shawn, 

Thanks for the feedback :)


I didn't know about the native quicklook. How does that work? I like how it works for now (ie. enter on the item opens quicklook, leaving quicklook pops back alfred (even though it'll only work well when the query trimming is disabled as andrew promised for the next release)). Can I do the same thing with native alfred quicklook?


There is still so much work to be done to have a fully operational production version!

  • 2 weeks later...

Flo, this looks cool. I haven't played with it yet, but from the screenshots (the last one particularly), it looks like the text-encoding isn't working correctly. I'm not sure how you're doing it, but it could be better if you could somehow set the correct encoding for document created for quicklook. You could do this either with a sort of str_replace for improperly encoded characters, or just create the document as an HTML document rather than an RTF so that you can set the text encoding in the header.


It would also be neater if you used Alfred's native quicklook functionality — this way, you get rid of the annoying "[DEBUG]" message.


By the way, I had actually tried to do it with an HTML file but `qlmanage` gets blocked in that case:

2014-10-22 18:42:52.829 qlmanage[35036:853010] *** CFMessagePort: bootstrap_register(): failed 1100 (0x44c) 'Permission denied', port = 0x9303, name = 'com.apple.CFPasteboardClient'
See /usr/include/servers/bootstrap_defs.h for the error codes.
2014-10-22 18:42:52.830 qlmanage[35036:853010] Failed to allocate communication port for com.apple.CFPasteboardClient; this is likely due to sandbox restrictions

Big update on here guys,


no need for you to install anything but NodeJS and VLC (which you probably already have anyway). It just works out of the box now. It's more stable, I've eliminated tons of bugs.

I still need your feedback to finish it up but it's looking great ;-)


Thanks to all those who helped.

Everything's working great for me, except when I hit enter to start streaming nothing happens.


Running OSX 10.10, Node v0.10.33 and VLC 2.1.5


Here are the debug logs...


<item valid="NO" autocomplete="The Big Bang Theory s" >

<title>Browse all episodes</title>

<subtitle>Allows you to set where you're at in this show</subtitle>

<subtitle mod="alt">Allows you to set where you're at in this show</subtitle>

<subtitle mod="cmd">Allows you to set where you're at in this show</subtitle>



[iNFO: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Processing output 'alfred.workflow.action.script' with arg 'm1418 0 magnet:?xt=urn:btih:cdb08b8cc8df4742a994bd1f19d1a4c8e148deef&dn=The+Big+Bang+Theory+S08E06+HDTV+x264-LOL+%5Beztv%5D&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.publicbt.com%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.istole.it%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337 The Big Bang Theory, s08e06: The Expedition Approximation'

[ERROR: alfred.workflow.output.script] Code 0: ./streamer.sh: line 39: terminal-notifier: command not found

[ERROR: alfred.workflow.action.script] Code 0: ./handler.sh: line 77: kill: (8368) - No such process

[iNFO: alfred.workflow.action.script] Processing output 'alfred.workflow.output.script' with arg 'm1418 0 magnet:?xt=urn:btih:cdb08b8cc8df4742a994bd1f19d1a4c8e148deef&dn=The+Big+Bang+Theory+S08E06+HDTV+x264-LOL+%5Beztv%5D&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.publicbt.com%3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.istole.it%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337 The Big Bang Theory, s08e06: The Expedition Approximation



wayneashleyberry, so that I can help you, I have a few questions:

  • Does that happen all the time or is it just sometimes?
  • When you say nothing happens, do you mean VLC keeps loading forever? VLC opens in the dock but no window ever appears? or nothing visible at all?
  • Could you open the Activity Monitor (it's an app, you can open it with alfred), and look for "peerflix" with the search bar after having tried to start streaming and nothing happened and tell me if there is any process of that name?

I've installed terminal-notifier now so that error went away. I have changed anything but all of a sudden things are slightly more, operational one might say haha.


So VLC opens now, but it throws an error message saying:


"Your input cannot be opened. VLC is unable to open the MRL 'http://192.168.0..9:8888/'. Check the log for details"


There is no process running by the name of "peerflix" when I look in the activity monitor unfortunately.


And this is consistent behaviour.


This issue usually arises when the connection is slow. Is this the case for you? It was also reported by another user so I'm trying to fix this. In the mean time, could you try and find the following file and send it to me please?


~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow\ Data/florian.shows/node-out.txt 


This file is re-created at each execution of the workflow, so it'll be very useful for me if you send me one just after having your bug occur.


And thanks a lot for the help ;)


So, I love the idea of this workflow, but I have an absolute requirement before I'll consider using it:


I need the torrent component to run on a separate Linux VM (which is connected to the Internet via a VPN). Is it possible to put the backend process on a "separate" machine?


"Your input cannot be opened. VLC is unable to open the MRL 'http://192.168.0..9:8888/'. Check the log for details"


Actually, if you notice the IP address, the bug might be there: there is a double period before the '9'. Is that a typo? If not, then it's definitely an invalid IP address, which means that the workflow is messing up when looking for the IP, or there might be another problem that is an edge-case on your computer / setup. (Or it's just a problem in the logs, which means this isn't the source of the bug).


So, I love the idea of this workflow, but I have an absolute requirement before I'll consider using it:


I need the torrent component to run on a separate Linux VM (which is connected to the Internet via a VPN). Is it possible to put the backend process on a "separate" machine?


This is actually a really, really cool idea that could be portable to other workflows. I think that this was one of the problems that David ran into when trying to write his Plex workflow.


It seems that you'd need to create some sort of messaging system between the two "machines." If they're different VMs, then, really, there is no difference between a VM and an actual machine.


For the messaging system, you'd need to create an endpoint on the remote machine and a receiver on the local machine. So, you'd have to have some service running at all times on the remote machine (this, however, could just be a webserver that supports some sort of POST request; if one of those is already running, then it shouldn't be too hard to implement). But you'd also have to create some service on your own machine. Again, if you're doing this with a pop-up webserver, then you'd just need to keep that server alive so that a POST request could be sent back to it. The biggest potential problem that I foresee deals with port forwarding: i.e. how do you make sure that the incoming request does actually make it back to your local machine? I think that this would be easiest when running with a local VPN, but if you want to get outside of that, then it might get complicated.


Still, if we could abstract this system, then it could be useful for others.


So, I love the idea of this workflow, but I have an absolute requirement before I'll consider using it:


I need the torrent component to run on a separate Linux VM (which is connected to the Internet via a VPN). Is it possible to put the backend process on a "separate" machine?


All the logic of this workflow happens in a node server and is triggered through curl requests from small bash scripts in alfred. So theoretically yes it'd be doable to have it all on an external machine. The torrent is then streamed to a local URL, again this is networkable. 


But I will not do it.


I've had the same request multiple times for my Transmission workflow. I just have no use for it and there are other things that could be improved on it first.


But like I said, it is very doable, and I believe my code is commented enough and modular enough for anyone motivated to get into it. I'll happily accept any pull request. 


Actually, if you notice the IP address, the bug might be there: there is a double period before the '9'. Is that a typo? If not, then it's definitely an invalid IP address, which means that the workflow is messing up when looking for the IP, or there might be another problem that is an edge-case on your computer / setup. (Or it's just a problem in the logs, which means this isn't the source of the bug).


No this double period is just this forum compacting the url like it does for any somewhat long url : http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/5001-tv-shows-manager-beta-testers-needed/#entry31083

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