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Alfred Workflow Nodejs

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I wrote a nodejs module which providing helpers to create Alfred Workflow

- Workflow & Item - Helper to build and generate feedbacks

- Storage - Helper to CRUD data

- Settings - Helper to CRUD settings, store password securely

- Utils


Document and usage are put in here: https://github.com/giangvo/alfred-workflow-nodejs. Hope it will help!


P/S: I don't know if this is good place to put my thread. If it is not, please help to move it into correct place. Thanks mod.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for making this! Since I mostly make Workflows for my own sake, I don't find it much of an hassle that Node doesn't come pre-installed on Macs. I guess if I am to publish my Workflows, it's not worse than having an installation of Node.js as a requirement to use the Workflow. 

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I updated my module to add more feature and update code to add default workflow file. You can just download it, import to Alfred, and start writing your workflow. More details are in here: https://github.com/giangvo/alfred-workflow-nodejs.


Great! Any ideas on how to make a 'menu system', such as the Spotify Mini Player has? I've tried a few different techniques, but nothing that has ended up working...

Edited by AndreasB
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