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Controlling volume in iTunes mini player

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I use the mini player all day to listen to music.

Because I use apples AirPlay technology, it is not possible to control the volume over the media keys on my keyboard (this only changes the volume of the inside speakers).
It would be great if the mini player would get a volume control, so I don't have to open iTunes every time, to change it.
I have done a quick concept how I could imagine implementing it.

Cause mini player only uses the enter key to navigate, it would be simple to use the left and right arrow keys to control the volume.
Either just when you have selected the volume field, or everywhere.
What do you guys think about this idea?
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Great idea!
Make sure to check this out, while hoping for miniplayer integration:




Also make sure to read the readme, I have written some notations in it for the default OS X assignment of the keys there.



This is a realy great idea so far, but I still think it will be a way more simple and clean if you consider integrating it to the mini player  :wub:   :)

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  • 3 months later...

Hello Andrew,


sorry about replying in this old topic, but the subject is the same (the media keys)..


first, congratulations to the team for the fantastic job with the Alfred App

Now, I only can use the media keys with a modifier key combination, like cmd + fn + f11...
It's possible to use only the fn + f11 as a hotkey (without the modifier key)?


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