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iTunes Up Next (with feedback into Alfred window)

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1. Thanks to Florian for all his help.


2. How this workflow works


2.1. Keywords:


2.2.1. "next": shows next song and currently playing song titles in Alfred window from a custom playlist (a list made by you) or the current album from the current song;


2.2.2. "previous": shows previous song and currently playing song titles in Alfred window from a custom playlist (a list made by you) or the current album from the current song;


2.2.3. "pick4me": shows and plays a random song from your library.



2.2. Hotkeys:



2.2.1. "control+option+command+p": shows Alfred window with a random song from your library;

2.2.2. "control+option+p": picks a random song from your library and displays a default Notification.


3. Known issues


Right now compilations album played from Library will not work. However a custom playlist (a list made by you) is not affected by the issue.


One more thing: when playing a song from Library the workflow requires “album artist”, “album” and “track number” in order to work properly. If you don’t care too much about tags then use a custom playlist that can hold your entire library anyway.


Download: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/127623/Itunes%20up%20next.alfredworkflow

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